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13450813698?profile=RESIZE_400xSeptember 27 & 28, 2025
Oaks, Pennsylvania
Greater Philadelphia Expo Center
Daily 10am-5pm
90 Artists
Deadline: March 2, 2025

Application fee: $30/Booth fee starts at $375

13450815271?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen is pleased to return to the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, a comfortable, climate-controlled space offering many amenities for our artists and patrons, including convenient free parking and easy load in/out.  PGC’s Fall Fine Craft Fair features full & half booth spaces for up to 90 artists, many of whom do not exhibit at outdoor venues. The variety of quality fine art & craft mediums will entice shoppers who are looking for cutting edge, contemporary and upscale home furnishings, jewelry and accoutrements. Fair hours are 10-5 Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $10 for adults, with early discount tickets available online at

Known locally as the “Oaks Expo,” this convention and exhibition center in Oaks, PA, is located in the center of suburban Philadelphia, attracting locals from Montgomery County and Chester County, PA, as well as New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.

13450815095?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Fine Craft Fair is open to artists from across the country working in both Fine Art and Fine Craft.

Master Artisans of the PGC are eligible for consideration by the Floor Jury for monetary Benchmark Awards.


More info:
Contact: Aviva Brandt Foster


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13450807277?profile=RESIZE_400xJuly 26 & 27, 2025
Bay Harbor, Michigan

Village at Bay Harbor
Saturday 10am-5pm & Sunday 10am-3pm
75 Artists
Deadline: March 31, 2025

Application fee $40/Booth fee starting at $250

Set upon five miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, and the deep water harbor of Bay Harbor Lake, the Bay Harbor Arts Festival is a truly spectacular backdrop for the artists and patrons alike.This is a lovely, “boutique” event with a variety of fabulous fine artists, as well as an artisan market located on our Marina Lawns and Terrace. Live music and children's activities are also a part of the festival.


13450807671?profile=RESIZE_400xJuried Artist Awards: $750-First Place, $500-Second Place, and $250 Third Place. 

We provide complimentary coffee, water, booth sitting, and sn-site security.  

An Artists Award Ceremony will take place on Saturday, July 26th at 5:30pm in Elevation Event Center in the Village at Bay Harbor.

Friday, July 25th is "preview night" for artists from 6pm-8pm if you would like to participate to allow patrons to browse your artwork.

More info:
Contact: Michelle Denise

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13445397884?profile=RESIZE_400xJune 7 & 8, 2025
Riverside, Illinois

Guthrie Park
Saturday 10am-5pm & Sunday 10am-4pm
Deadline: February 15, 2025

No application fee/Booth fee starts at $150

The Riverside Arts Weekend is sure to please artists and patrons alike. Join us as we celebrate two days of fabulous art in downtown Riverside, Illinois. This fine art fair, established in 2008, has become a community highlight. Riverside Arts Weekend (RAW), includes a full line up of activities, featuring a juried fine arts fair along with musical performances, children’s art activities, and other art-related events.


Additional features of the Riverside Arts Weekend:
• Free visitor admission
• Convenient parking
• Food vendors
• Booth-sitting by our volunteers
• Complimentary coffee & snacks for artists
• Overnight security
Juried artist awards will be presented to 3 artists, along with honorable mention and emerging artist awards


  • This has been one of my favorite events to participate in for the past 2 years! I love the community support for artists and it is always such a well organized event - with the volunteers to help out vendors when needed and all of the attention to detail. Can't wait to participate again next year!
  • Great volunteer staff and great diversity of vendors.
  • Easy set up and take down. You were able to attract a lot of people to the event. The artist snacks very much appreciated.

This free community event is organized by the Riverside Arts Weekend, 
a non-profit organization comprised of a volunteer leadership,
along with the support of the
Village of Riverside and community businesses.


Learn more:
Contact: Charlotte Zia

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Call for Artists: Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair

13445392089?profile=RESIZE_400xAnn Arbor, Michigan
July 17, 18, & 19, 2025

Main Street as well as South University Street & multiple blocks of Liberty & State Streets in the heart of Ann Arbor
Thursday & Friday 10am-9pm & Saturday 10am-8pm
Deadline: February 16, 2025

Booth fee $50/Booth fee starts at $700

The Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair is one of three official partner fairs that comprise the award-winning and highly respected Ann Arbor Art Fair. Close to 500,000 people attend the event each year. The Summer Art Fair is located on Main Street in the heart of Ann Arbor, as well as South University Street and multiple blocks of Liberty and State Streets - stretching from Ann Arbor’s charming downtown to the campus of the University of Michigan. This fair of close to 400 juried artists is run by The Guild of Artists & Artisans, a non-profit Artist Member Organization whose mission is to provide marketing opportunities to artists. It is an organization where the artists truly have a voice and it shows in the quality of our events.


Show Features

  • Over $4.1million in Artist Sales in 2024!
  • Run by and for the Artists - a fair where artists truly have a voice and are valued
  • Every application includes a one year membership to The Guild which provides artists with great opportunities throughout the year!
  • The Guild allows up to 20% reproductions in your booth to increase overall sales
  • Consistently ranked one of the top Fine Art Fairs in the Country
  • Known for record sales and high traffic
  • Over $5000 in Artist Awards
  • Competitive Jury Selection Process
  • Extensive joint advertising and promotion
  • Audience reach of 1,692,829,807 in 2024
  • Publicity value of $16,992,339 in 2024
  • Select social media artist highlights leading up to the event
  • Artist listing including a large image and link to artist website if provided on event page
  • Professional, respectful, and fun art fair staff
  • Booth Sitters provided for needed breaks
  • Delicious Artist Hospitality with Continental breakfast, coffee, water, and treats throughout the day
  • Water Delivery
  • Artist Happy Hour and awards ceremony
  • Booth Pod system that ensures one corner open for every booth with at least 8' between pods!
  • Negotiated special rates for artists in nearby hotels and motels
  • Professional overnight security
  • Social District in the Main Street area allowing patrons to stroll with drinks from area businesses
  • Easy access to the diverse cuisine Ann Arbor has to offer
  • Home to exceptional programming including our Emerging Artist Program, The Stage on Main in partnership with The Ark, Chalk the Walk with David Zinn, Prison Creative Arts Project yearly display, and new in 2025, the Youth Collector’s Club!

13445392470?profile=RESIZE_400xNot convinced yet?
Hear what some of our 2024 artists had to say:

  • "It’s always full of real art buyers, it’s my most consistent and always largest grossing art fair. It’s run so well and organized. There’s always a staff member nearby if you need something."
  • "Thank you all for a smooth and fun experience where I was able to share my work with so many different people who care about hand made craft."
  • “This year was the engagement of the buyers, repeat buyers, and so many young people getting their start by buying prints/smalls and promising to come back when they are making money so they can buy originals."


Learn more:
Contact: Nicole McKay

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Call for Artists: 44th Annual Art Birmingham

Birmingham, Michigan
May 10 & 11, 202513445385853?profile=RESIZE_400x

Streets surrounding Shain Park
Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-5pm
150 Artists
Deadline: February 16, 2025

Application fee $30/Booth fee starts at $395

Art Birmingham, now in its 44th year, takes place on the streets surrounding Shain Park in downtown Birmingham, Michigan. The Park is surrounded by convenient parking for artists and fairgoers and within easy access to the many unique stores and fabulous restaurants of downtown Birmingham – favorites of the upscale shoppers and residents throughout Oakland County and beyond. A Mother's Day Tradition, this highly respected free public event will showcase 150+ jury selected artists in an elegant and extraordinary setting, attracting approximately 80,000 fairgoers. 


13445386254?profile=RESIZE_400xShow Features

  • Artist Awards
  • Friendly booth sitters
  • Professional, overnight security
  • Extensive advertising and promotion
  • Select social media artist highlights leading up to the event
  • Artist listing including a large image and link to artist website if provided on event page
  • Professional and respectful art fair staff
  • Coffee, snacks, and goodies provided in artist hospitality tent


Learn more:
Contact: Nicole McKay

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Call for Artists: Kensington Metropark Art Fair

13442318696?profile=RESIZE_400xMay 24, 25, & 26, 2025
Milford, Michigan

4570 Huron Parkway
Saturday & Sunday 10am-6pm & Monday 10am-4pm
100 artists
Deadline: February 23, 2025

Application fee $25/Booth fees start at $475



The Kensington Art Fair continues to grow. Artists with all price points indicated strong sales. Many report selling originals priced in the thousands. The beautiful setting is both visible and attractive. 

Kensington is one of the most popular parks in Southeast Michigan and is centered in a wealthy area of lakefront homes. Two and a half million people visit the park annually. 



More info:
Contact: Mark Loeb

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13442307498?profile=RESIZE_400xApril 26 & 27, 2025
Sanford, Florida

Downtown Sanford
Saturday 10am-6pm & Sunday 10am-5pm
150 Artists
Deadline: February 17, 2025

Application fee $25/Booth fee $275 Main Street or $235 Side Street

The St. Johns River Festival of the Arts in beautiful historic, downtown Sanford, FL, invites you to apply to the 14th Annual FINE ART & FINE CRAFT - JURIED art show held April 26 & 27,2025. The festival takes place along charming brick streets lined with specialty shops, cafe's, pubs and restaurants just a block away from the St Johns River that flows through Lake Monroe.

13442308293?profile=RESIZE_584xThe St Johns River Festival of the Arts is a No-profit organization that provides a scholarships for "Art for Kids" program located in Sanford which provides an after-school program for children to explore their creative side using various mediums. The Art for Kids program’s mission is to provide quality art instruction to students who have a desire to learn.What also sets us apart is that artists can enjoy the artist retreat serving continental breakfasts and a light lunch provided Saturday and Sunday. Booth sitters and water available during festival hours.

13442309101?profile=RESIZE_400xEach year we feature interactive art demonstration booths intermingled throughout the festival footprint, that changes each year.

A strong advertising and a marketing campaign promote the festival with TV, radio, billboards, newspaper, magazines, calendars, and social media throughout Central Florida. Our festival is organized by artists and local businesses

that volunteer each year to put on a phenomenal art-filled experience.

We were voted into the Top 100 Art Shows 2024 and the two previous years. Also voted in as the Best Art Festival of Seminole County 2024.


For more informaton:
Contact: Kim House

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Call for Artists: Beverly Hills Art Show

13442303252?profile=RESIZE_400xMay 17 & 18, 2025
Beverly Hills, California
Beverly Gardens Park
Daily 10am-6pm
230 Artists

Early Deadline: February 14, 2025, $35.00 application fee

Late Deadline: February 21, 2025, $55.00 application fee

Booth fee: $415

Selected artists will exhibit in historic Beverly Gardens Park along four prominent blocks in the center of Beverly Hills, adjacent to a very busy neighborhood, and near the Golden Triangle which is a business district close to fine dining restaurants, famous designer stores, important galleries and beautiful parks.


Attracting art appreciators from all over the world, the event is again expected to host 40,000 visitors throughout the two-day event. Four garden blocks along Santa Monica Blvd. between Rodeo and Rexford in Beverly Hills will be brimming with over 200 artists from throughout California, the Southwest, and the rest of the country.

12365447272?profile=RESIZE_400xTen fine art and fine craft categories are featured, with an emphasis on fine art. New artists are frequently accepted and highlighted, as show coordinators seek fresh work and perspectives.


More info:
Carolyn Holden

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13420631062? and wish to pay our respects to an important member of the art fair community, Greg Lawler, photographer and the creator of the Art Fair SourceBook.

My husband, photographer Norm Darwish, and I started in the art fair business in 1978. Shortly thereafter we met Greg Lawler, another one of the photographers. We did many shows together. In those days artists had two ways of finding "the good shows". Sunshine Artist magazine had an extensive list of shows around the country, but the best way to find them was asking another exhibitor ... networking was the solution.

There was great consternation when Sunshine Artist started publishing their "200 Best." We said to each other, "this is really bad, now everyone will know where the good shows are." Then ZAPPlication came along ... oh, no! now even more artists will know where the good ones are! More competition in an already competitive business.


In stepped Greg, becoming the creator, editor and publisher of Art Fair SourceBook. He put together a business to survey all the shows and publish show reviews. How in the world he did that before the Internet and email really got rolling is a wonder. It makes me weary to think about it. He actually published books and then spent years traveling to art fairs, in and out of thousands of art fair tents, hand selling those wonderful guides to artists.

Luckily the Internet came along and he was able to move his business online ... and the cost of printing the books went down, but did that slow him down? Of course not, he continued to help artists earn a living and created the first online discussion for artists. It was a lifesaver before Facebook came around.

Now though after the Covid disruption to small businesses everywhere, soaring new software costs and the loss of his longtime research assistant and customer support partner, Barbara Jean Yankee he will be retiring.


His love song to the art festival life:

  • I’m grateful to the more than 20,000 artists who supported the AFSB with their subscriptions over the past 32 years.
  • I’m proud to have helped artists map out successful art fair strategies and schedules.
  • I cherish the countless artist friends I’ve made over the years, the 500 art fairs I schlepped through, the exercise I got doing so, and the 2 million miles I’ve flown to bring the SourceBook to you these past 32 years.
  • I’m thankful to have supported a family of five and put three kids through college, thanks to the AFSB’s success.
  • I’m a bit sad to leave the art fair world behind after more than 35 years as both an exhibiting artist and editor/publisher of the SourceBook.

13420608261?profile=RESIZE_400xI'm quoting Greg here because his words echo those of us who have retired from one of the best jobs in America, bringing our creative work to all the people who flock to meet us (yes, you are part of the attraction), and enabling us to live free and challenging lives.

Many thanks to Greg for all he has done to help us earn a living, his kindnesses through the years. I hope to see you on the road again.

The Sourcebook will continue to be available until the end of 2025, so hurry over there for the info while it is still there.

Learn more here: where you will find the details. 

While we're at it ... what are your memories?


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Call for Artists: Art Fair on the Square 2025

13423884482?profile=RESIZE_400xAugust 31 & September 1, 2025
Lake Forest, Illinois

Market Square
Sunday & Monday 10am-5pm
130 Artists|
Deadline: March 1, 2025

Application fee: $35/Booth fee starts at $450

Join us for the 70th Art Fair on the Square! Immerse yourself in the vibrant creative energy of Lake Forest's Market Square, just 30 miles north of Chicago. As the signature event of the Deer Path Art League for an impressive 70 years, the Art Fair on the Square calls fine artists like you from across the country for this remarkable opportunity.

Situated strategically in a prime location and reaching more than 22 exclusive local communities, including major city hubs like Chicago and Milwaukee, we invite you to showcase your unique talent in the heart of our culturally rich community nestled within Illinois’ famous North Shore. Apply now to join an exclusive lineup of fine artists, presenting your work to a loyal audience of over 20,000 visitors.

Benefit from our curated layout, set against the backdrop of Market Square's classical architecture and lush, mature trees, creating a visually stunning and inviting ambiance for art enthusiasts. This is more than just an art show; it's an opportunity to be seen, engage with a vibrant artistic community, connect with potential buyers, and establish lasting connections with fellow creatives.

With an inclusive layout ensuring maximum exposure for your work, it becomes effortlessly accessible to patrons eager to explore and celebrate your unique expressions. Don't miss this golden opportunity to elevate your artistry, gain valuable exposure, and forge connections with an appreciative audience.

12369346078?profile=RESIZE_400xBased on Artists Surveys:

  • I found the patrons art savvy and inquisitive: a joy to connect with.
  • Best run show ever! Love it!!!
  • Very much appreciated as well as the space between the booths.
  • As an artist, I felt appreciated and cared for in a way that other shows could learn from.
  • I had my highest sales all year at your show! Hope to be back!!!

Apply now for the 70th Annual Art Fair on the Square and let your creativity shine on a stage of cultural significance!

For more info:
Contact: Elizabeth Franz

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13423880490?profile=RESIZE_400xJuly 17, 18, & 19, 2025
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The City of Ann Arbor - University of Michigan Campus
Thursday & Friday 10pm-9pm, Saturday 10am-8pm
230 Artists
Deadline: February 18, 2025

Application fee: $45-$60/Booth fee starts at $700

The Ann Arbor Street Art Fair, The Original (AASAF), is the original art fair of the three concurrent fairs that annually transform central Ann Arbor into the largest juried outdoor art fair in the nation. Every July, the City of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Campus blossom into a 30-block outdoor art gallery.

Established in 1960, the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization with a mission to increase public knowledge and appreciation for contemporary fine arts and fine crafts. Over its 66-year history, AASAF has maintained its dedication to cultivating art, artists, and patrons. The AASAF is renowned for its commitment to excellence and showcasing only original one of a kind gallery quality artwork.

AASAF unfolds along the picturesque Ann Arbor city streets surrounding the iconic Burton Bell Tower and the tree-lined heart of the University of Michigan's central campus. The Ann Arbor Street Art Fair, The Original is regularly ranked among the nation’s top art fairs, consistently placing in the “Top Ten Best Art Festivals” in USA TODAY and appearing annually in Sunshine Artist's "Top 200 Fine Art Shows."

2025 Features:

  • Jury and Purchase Awards in 2024: $22,000
  • 2024 Over $2.3 Million in annual Artist Sales
  • Marketing Reach: In 2024 our joint National TV Audience was 3.5 Million, Radio Audience reached 8.7 million listeners, Print and Online viewership was over 1.3 Billion!
  • Buyers Tour and Lunch - Bringing 100 Influencers, Corporate Buyers, Patrons, Gallery Owners, Architects and Designers directly to your booth to purchase and promote you.
  • Bell Tower Hotel Artist Reception - Meet and mingle with fellow Artists, Dedicated Patrons, Donors, Jurors and Board Members catered by The Moveable Feast.


"Ann Arbor Street Art Fair, the Original - the art, the people, the fun, the shopping! A continued tradition of showing my work to dedicated collectors and enjoying the camaraderie of artists and visitors with the beautiful backdrop of the University of Michigan campus. -Cali Hobgood Artist

"The Original Ann Arbor Street Art Fair has an incredible sense of community among the artists, fairgoers and staff. It's truly a show that I look forward to every year not only for the sales but the wonderful people that I meet." -Mark Zirinsky Artist

"My first year being in the Original Ann Arbor Street Art Fair was very successful. Even after overhead, because I had never done a show before, I still made a great profit!' - John Dinser Artist

The Ann Arbor Street Art Fair, The Original (AASAF), is the
original art fair of the three concurrent fairs that 
annually transform central Ann Arbor into the
largest juried outdoor art fair in the nation.

Every July, the City of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Campus blossom
into a 30-block outdoor art gallery.



For more information:
Angela Kline

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13405154867?profile=RESIZE_400xJune 12, 13, & 14, 2025
Logan, Utah

Cache County Fairgrounds & Event Center
Thursday & Friday 11am-9pm, & Sunday 10am-9pm
170 Artists
Deadline: February 9, 2025

Application fee: $45/Booth fee starts at $315

Summerfest Arts Faire is a 41 year juried arts festival that takes place in Logan, Utah. Held annually on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Father's Day, we feature 160-170 fine artists and fine crafts people. 38 live performances take place throughout the event on our indoor and outdoor stages, and 30 food vendors offer a variety of cuisine. We welcome patrons from Northern Utah and the Wasatch front, as well as Idaho and Wyoming.



From the moment I arrived, I was impressed by the seamless coordination and thoughtful attention to detail that went into every aspect of the Faire. Your team's dedication and hard work truly made this event a success. It provided a fantastic platform for showcasing my work and connecting with fellow artists and patrons.   Rosa Vazquez, Owner/Artist

Apply Now:


For more information:
Contact: Shirlene Davis


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13403002056?profile=RESIZE_180x180June 21 & 22, 2025
Winnetka, Illinois
Hubbard Woods Park
Daily 10am-5pm
80 Artists
Deadline: February 3, 2025

Application fee $45/Booth fee starts at $475

The North Shore Art League is excited for our 12th annual juried fine art & fine craft fair on June 21 & 22, 2025. It will take place in Hubbard Woods Park. Winnetka is a charming upscale Chicagoland destination, highly sought after zip code, located along the shores of Lake Michigan. This boutique show offers great visibility, enthusiastic buyers, and free parking.



"The show is exemplary of how a show should be run - attention to important details without making things unnecessarily complicated. Thank you for all your efforts. It is a true pleasure to be included in this show."

13403002078?profile=RESIZE_400x"Thanks for a great show Linda and team. Keep up with curating a group of well crafted artwork and quality artists and makers to keep the show top of mind for the community. This is how the event sets it self apart from other similar events in the area. Looking forward to next year!"



For more information:

Contact: Sophie Candido

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13402992079?profile=RESIZE_400xJune 21 & 22, 2025
Lititz, Pennsylvania

Foundry 48 Event Center
Daily 10am-5pm
80 Artists
Deadline: February 3, 2025

Application fee $30/Booth fee starts at $295


For our 2025 Summer Fine Craft Fair, we return to the beautiful, climate-controlled, easy-to-access Foundry 48 Event Center in Lititz, PA. Located in beautiful Lancaster County and situated just off PA Rt. 501 N, this event will draw patrons from Lancaster, Lititz, Reading, Chester, and regional cities such as Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore. 


PGC’s Summer Fine Craft Fair features full & half booth spaces for up to 75 artists, many of whom do not exhibit at outdoor venues. The variety of quality fine art & craft mediums will entice shoppers who are looking for cutting edge, contemporary and upscale home furnishings, jewelry and accoutrements.

13402992658?profile=RESIZE_400xFair hours are 10-5 Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $10 for adults, with early discount tickets available online at

Foundry 48 is two miles south of the center of Lititz, PA - America's Coolest Small Town - and nine miles north of downtown Lancaster, PA. The Fine Craft Fair is open to artists from across the country.  


More info:
Contact: Aviva Brandt Foster


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13393766277?profile=RESIZE_400xAugust 1, 2, & 3, 2025
Park City, Utah

Historic Main Street
Friday 5pm-9pm, Saturday 10am-8pm, & Sunday 10am-6pm
200 Artists
Deadline: February 7, 2025

Application fee: $50/Booth fee starts at $890

The Kimball Arts Festival is a three-day, award-winning visual arts festival located in the heart of the world-famous resort community of Park City, UT. Every year professional artists are selected by a blind jury to showcase their work, and more than 29,000 art enthusiasts from around the world converge on Park City’s historic Main Street to purchase it. In 2024, reported artist sales totaled over $2 million!


The Park City Kimball Arts Festival consistently ranks among the top festivals in the country for artist sales and attendee experience. Showcasing 13 visual arts media, this annual event also features live music, gourmet food and drink, and a host of creative and collaborative activities. Proceeds from the event support the Kimball Art Center, Park City's nonprofit community art center since 1976.

Artist Services and Support:

  • Kimball Art Center partners with a variety of hotels and other accommodations in Park City. Prior to the Festival, we will pass along special artist discounts from our lodging partners if available  
  • Dedicated booth sitter text line for artists to request a booth sitter volunteer during the festival
  • Website listing with artist images and link to artist website
  • A customized map just for Participating Artists with addresses and important locations
  • Bagels and coffee at the Artist Check-In location on Friday morning
  • Artist Lounge(s) with coffee and all-day refreshments, plus electrical outlets for charging devices for Participating Artists during the Festival
  • Early morning load-in option for those with long or delicate set-ups
  • Staggered assigned load-in times so that artists have space to unload and guaranteed access to Main Street during their assigned load-in time
  • Complimentary artist parking for one vehicle (and 1 trailer) per artist in dedicated lots, including oversized parking
  • Two artist credentials (for the artist and co-artist or assistant) included in the check-in packet
  • Lunches available for purchase delivered directly to Participating Artist booth during the Festival
  • Water and snacks delivered by volunteers throughout the Festival

13393766872?profile=RESIZE_400xAccolades from Past Participating Artists:

  • “(KAF) provides us with the opportunity to be successful as artists. The show is extremely well organized and extremely profitable... It is a record show every year. Not to mention we have a blast at the show.”
  • “It's a great show and our communications with the powers that be were stellar. The quality of the show is top notch.”
  • “Fantastic audience and sales! Everyone appreciates the high quality available.”
  • “Well run, well attended, attentive staff, great sales.”
  • “I thank you for running a terrific show. Artist friendly and very well-run show.”
  • “This is our most profitable and enjoyable show every year!"


For more information:
Contact: Hillary Gilson

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Call for Artists: Mulvane Art Fair

13384934694?profile=RESIZE_400xJune 7 & 8, 2025
Topeka, Kansas

Washburn Campus
Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm
90 Artists
Deadline: February 24, 2025

Application fee $35/Booth fee $275

The Mulvane Art Fair has been an annual favorite among artists and art appreciators since 1992. During this two-day event, thousands of people visit the beautiful grounds of Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. In 2025, the 31st annual juried event will feature more than 85 artists from across the country and will draw thousands of art lovers. With a focus on quality and variety, the fine art event is a favorite in the community and region. Proceeds from the event support the mission and programs of the Mulvane Art Museum, which is Topeka's only art museum and is on the Washburn University campus. High standards for art are key to the success of the 2025 Mulvane Art Fair.


The Mulvane Art Fair has a robust patron program with art buyers who purchased $45,000+ from participating artists in 2024. Jurors will select up to 90 artists from those who apply.

We had a large number of first-time artists in 2024 (over 39% new), so we are hoping to extend that into this year's entries. We have revamped our patron program with better benefits and expanded overall marketing in areas of the event.

13384937873?profile=RESIZE_400x"I think this year (2024) was the best ever! Everything was easy to understand and follow. The board did a fantastic job with communications. The move out process was easy and sales were better than average. I also appreciate the on-campus housing option." ~exhibiting artist from 2024 (anonymous artist survey)

For more information:
Contact: Stacy Ash

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Call for Artists: Leesburg Art Festival 2025

13384899467?profile=RESIZE_400xMarch 8 & 9, 2025
Leesburg, Florida

Main Street
Daily 10am-4pm
50 Artists
Deadline: January 17, 2025

Application fee: $35/Booth fee: $150

In 1977 art enthusiasts, community members, organizations, and city officials began an outdoor festival in Venetian Park. Eventually, the Festival was moved downtown to Main Street, Leesburg. LAF features fine arts and crafts as well as a Literary Festival, and entertainment.

In 2025, the LAF features EMERGENCE as a theme for the festival.
We believe artists can emerge at different times in life, 
young and experienced alike.
LAF25: EMERGE 48 - dedicated to emerging artists of all ages who believe that


To Apply:
For more information:
Richard Colvin

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Call for Artists: Marion Arts Festival

13384877469?profile=RESIZE_400xMay 17, 2025
Marion, Iowa

Uptown Marions Festival Street, 1070 7th Avenue
Saturday 9am-5pm
50 Artists
Deadline: January 14, 2025

Application fee: $30/Booth fee: $250

Greetings from the 33rd Annual Marion Arts Festival in Marion, Iowa
(adjacent to Cedar Rapids, in East Central Iowa)!

 The MAF presents 50 artists, offering fine art and fine craft to an audience of 10,000. Our community awaits you!


In recent years, Marion Arts Festival moved the festival from in the park, to our newly renovated and beautiful festival street outside of the park so you can now load directly into your booth location! For the 2025 festival, the park will be back open after a major renovation, but artists will remain on the festival street utilizing the park for additional festival activities.

13384878684?profile=RESIZE_400xWe have additional interactive Create & Explore spaces in the newly renovated park, more activities for all and the same ever-present MAF hospitality to our artists.

Artist party Friday, breakfast snacks on festival morning and artist lunch between 11:00a-1:00p during the show! Load directly into your booth space, staggered load-in, and volunteers to help you as needed.


Marion Arts Festival attendees come to buy!

More info:
Contact: Lexi Matthews

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The next mock jury is scheduled for Tuesday January 7th, 2025. You don't have to be available to watch live as it will be uploaded to Youtube that evening. You can read more about it and how to apply on my web site at
Improve your chances of getting into better art shows. My jurors consist of two current and one former show director from top art shows as well as an experienced 3D artist. I myself have 40 years experience doing art shows with my photography and for the past twenty years, improve jury images and photograph all types of artwork for jurying.

Larry Berman

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Call for Artists: 40th Melbourne Art Festival

13327445282?profile=RESIZE_180x180April 26 & 27, 2025
Melbourne, Florida

Wickham Park, 2500 Parkway Drive
Daily 9am-5pm
200 Artists
Deadline: December 31, 2024

Application fee: $37/Booth fee: $374.50

April 26 and 27, 2025 marks the 40th year of the annual juried Fine Art Festival in Melbourne, Florida, showcasing the work over 200 talented artists.

We are pleased that our event at Wickham Park has been very successful over the past years. ​The Melbourne Art Festival is consistently ranked in the top 200 shows in the nation by “Sunshine Artist” magazine over the last 10 years, in 2024 we ranked #38th.

Wickham Park is very spacious, and the layout affords easy set up and welcomes many visitors to walk in the park, view and purchase art, and enjoy the festival weekend activities. Artists set up along the scenic drive that winds around the back lake. 


Friday midday set up, FREE parking, FREE overnight parking/ camping in the youth rustic area, and full hook-up camp sites are available at reasonably low rates through Wickham Park Campground.

Best of Show $2,500
8-Awards of Excellence (4 in each category) $1,000
8-Awards of Distinction (4 in each category) $700
8-Awards of Merit (4 in each category) $500

Melbourne is located on Florida’s East Coast just 1 hour east of Orlando, 2.5 hours south of Jacksonville, and 3 hours north of Miami. Wickham Park is located at 2500 Parkway Dr. The Park has hosted large events: Runaway Country, 80's in the Park, the Vietnam Memorial Wall, and now the Melbourne Art Festival! Check out their website at:

The welcoming breezes and wide open green spaces are perfect for Artists and visitors alike!


More info:
Contact: Doug Taylor

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