Well, did I wake you all up from your art-induced stupor?

This was supposed to be a site where people in like biz shared good info with each other.

You can have phone-sex with Siri and find out about how to weigh your booth down.  Or how to buy containers, mats, frames.  You now you can throw the damn roof in a swimming pool.  Siri cannot tell you how much space you get behind your booth at "Art in the Pearl."

So far, nary a word from the great one from Texas who did that show, and maybe Sausilito too.

So we have seen shows like:

Port Clinton



Arts and Apples


Longs Park

Deer Path  north of Chicago


anything on the Atlantic Coast that Geoff Coe use to report about




I thought this was an insider blog group.

You shared helpful info about shows.  For example, if I had never done the show before in Portland,Oregon it would be helpful to know the following:

Did you get any storage space behind the booth?  How much?

Was there space in between booths?  Or, did you have to buy a corner?

Could you drive up to the front of your booth, or did you have to schlep in from a block away with a beer cart?

What were the demographics for the show.  Mostly young-and-tattoed, oldsters with disposable income. 

Were they buying mostly low-end?

So far, I am seeing diddle.

No blogs from Parker, BJ or Coe, let alone Fulwiler who only comes on this site when he wants to whine about something.

Come on folks, step up to the plate.

I give out a lot of info about anything I blog about.  I get very little in return.  Can't ya tell me, at least, how much space I get with my neighbor behind me?

You guys are the lamest lurkers I have ever seen on this site.

Get your shit together and chip in for the common good.

I have a big broad back, throw all the darts and arrows you want to, into it.  Aint gonna hurt me one bit.

Give me some good feedback.

  Maybe you will get a real helpful review of Saint louis, I just did.  Otherwise, I am out of here.  Rather work on my putting stroke than blog to a bunch of  "LAME LURKERS."

The best blogger we have on his site right now, is Geri Wegner who buys from artists.  She is the best--where are the rest?



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  • I'm new to this site so here's my experience, 57th street Chicago was amazing is money and layout, a very well done show. Lee summit is nice and friendly but the money was not spent, Springfield was the same. Mosaics St. Charles is a good one and very well done but some of the artists that sell very high end did not do too well. The Historic Shaw, is a fantastic show weather permitting. I'm doing Fountain Square Chicago this weekend not sure how it will go. I'll try and learn this system on here better when I have some time. Thanks!
  • Just back home in Denver from entertaining at the Fredericksburg, TX Oktoberfest.  Was so busy that I didn't get more than about 5 minutes to explore, but from what I saw, the show was VERY well organized, and plenty of attendance.  Load out was very well organized. I wasn't there until Saturday, so can't speak to load in.  Crowds were mixed in demographics, very well behaved.  Music was audible, but NOT over amplified and sited away from venders.  One of the most enjoyable if hectic gigs I've done this summer.  Gave stilt walking instruction to 100's on the walkway by the giant stein, and in the kid's zone blasted a few million bubbles which were delightfully annihilated by a phalanx of well behaved kids. Looong drive, but worth it.

  • Steve Appel, it seems to me like the sales of panels and tents outnumber the show reviews. I am done with shows for 2014 and reviewed all that I did. I still post on "what are you doing" to give insite to newcomers of what you have to do to survive in the off season.
  • Richard,  this was a discussion last year about the takers and lurkers who do not give reviews.   i personally just did ok and gave my two cents but lately some of those takers are asking for what shows to do and give very little i did hear about castle rock from a friend of mine's father in costco the other day and heard it was not good. 

  • I am applying to Edina  Art Fair again and hoping to get in.  Last year the weather was a little tough which affected the crowd size according to some of the old timers, however sales were good.  The set up was well organized as well as tear down.  You are able to pull up to your space and unload before moving your vehicle. There is absolutely no storage space available however, so one should plan accordingly.  It is a tight squeeze with your neighbors for set up.  

    They supply booth sitters and water throughout the day and I had a very cooperative and attentive attendant which was greatly appreciated.  After a deluge of rain she came to check on everyone assigned to her.  Also, I was assigned a great space, and as a newbie I was relieved.  Earlier comments regarding poor booth assignments in parking lots seemed of no concern last year.  

  • That is it exactly, Marge. When we started this site I didn't think anyone would show up, maybe I'd just be talking to a few of my actual "friends." But then it did take off, and I learned one of the reasons why, people work alone and it is a good place to meet some "friends" and get some insider info and share a good story. Of all the people who turn up here regularly I know very few of them, but I still love to see and hear what they have to say. 

    Not only this site, but the podcasts are so full of interesting stories. Just about every one leaves me exhilarated at what I just learned and the generosity of the participants.

    Wish I was in Switzerland ;) You'll have to tell us what that is all about. 

  • Well, Here I am over in Switzerland, ,in the Alps(teaching for 6 weeks), unable to connect for a while and I open up to this long somewhat unhappy post that actually has kind of shocked me. I cannot tell you how many people I send to AIF. People who are in the process of starting or even thinking about starting what I do most of the time now. I have many friends outside of AIF, but when you are in the studio all day-most days between shows, AIF is a little like family, The reviews are usually informative, Nels makes me laugh and Connie always makes everyone feel validated. OK, maybe I have no life, but the nature of this business is a bit transitory and sometimes when I have been working on a project in my studio, way in my head, away from everyone it is nice to be able to connect with a group that understands. I appreciate this blog for all that and more.
  • Yes! Robert and Maryllis -- this is why we started this site. We are all connected, life is too short not to help our neighbors and sharing your info here is appreciated by so many. 

    So many people reading here have so many others to thank for all the helpful information posted here. We don't only need to hear about Bayou City or La Quinta, we also need to hear about those shows in our neighborhoods that keep so many of us going. Thanks to everyone!

  • This was the blog that got me off my duff and posted shows from last spring and trying hard to keep up with my experiences this fall.  I had the pleasure of meeting Nels at a show recently and was smitten with his kindness and delightful smile and twinkle in his eye.  Here is a man that loves what he does and encourages the newbees (and oldies) to get in there and join the group.  I am usually somewhat shy about making public statements.  Posting is not easy for me.  But I have had others come up to me recently and thank me for posting about shows in the SE.  This area seems to be under-represented but even my tidbits of information seem to be appreciated. Yours will be appreciated too.  Last weekend I was honored by someone seeking me out and introducing themselves to me with thanks for the information I've shared on AFI.  Wow. Thank you "B".  You made my day.  So Nels I am doing what you said to do and hope others (especially from the SE) will join the chorus.   

  • This site is and has been great for me as a newcomer. A lot of great information and advice, which I sincerely appreciate. As a newbie and first year doing festivals I don't think that I have enough experience to critique a show. I only did three shows in 2013 as I only applied to shows that did not require a booth photo.  I did not get a tent until May so it was to late to do a booth photo as the deadlines were already past. The more I learn from this site and doing shows I will try to repot on those as I do them. Thanks to everyone on this site, you are all great and hope to meet some of you at shows in 2014.

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