Wells Street Art Festival - A Review

I did the Wells Street show in Chicago last weekend (June 13-14). I did very well there -- it was about time, as shows in Michigan so far this year have been lackluster. Briefly, the load-in is brutal, and was compounded by rain until about 1PM. After that, it gradually cleared throughout the afternoon, and people were out in droves enjoying the art, the music and buying. I saw a lot of prints going by, some larger pieces, and it kept up until Sunday night.For more in-depth coverage and a couple of pictures, read my full blog post, here:http://www.parkerparker.info/studio/blog/?p=649
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  • Aisha, that's a good question. You can always give them a call if and when you can't stand the suspense any more. You should get a booth number and setup time before the actual load-in date. I always found it useful to get there early and beg my way in. It's a goat rodeo at best.

  • I will never do Wells Street ever again. I did it a few years ago. I hate having to watch out for drunks. I'd rather starve. The money isn't worth it.

  • I am going to be at Wells street this year. Its my first time participating and i was wondering should i expect to get information from them about my booth and badges and what time to be there .

  • We didn't hit the road until 12:30 AM (CDT), then got stopped in Michigan by MDOT. It was lucky I didn't get a ticket. Long story.
  • We did Wells St. once.

    We were there on Saturday morning at 4 am to get a parking place and get our work unloaded into our space. That is not civilized. I am way too old to do that ever again.

    I talked to a friend today who was there this year. He said he didn't get out until 10:30, then saw it really was 11:30 pm!!

    Glad you made money, Jim. I'm too crabby to put up with that :)
  • It's always that way. You just have to suck it up if you do Wells St. I absolutely hate it, but at least I made money there this year, which is more than I can say for a lot of shows! LOL!
  • I also was at Wells St. Not only was the load-in brutal, but the load-out was worse! There were tons of college kids drinking in the streets everywhere around the booths. They were rude and did not move out of the way when a vendor needed them to. It was quite difficult to mover around the drinking crowd with hand trucks with big paintings on them.
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