Venice ,Florida art fair

Hi, Im fairly new at the art fair scene and recently did my first art fair as far as Florida. I am very amazed at poeple who come out there and pretend to be making the art they are selling. I walked around and found a few artist that had work that I can get at home from one of my suppliers. I couldnt believe someone would have the guts to do that. A few of the other jewelers also noticed and it did get reported to the staff. The guy had actually taken the first place ribbon .but after finding out about him he was asked to leave and did not recieve the cash prize for it. I find the fault here was that they had one judge for 108 artists. It seems to me that one person cannot be an expert in all fields. I did suggest that to them at the end of the art show so perhaps they will learn from that.

     The show was not good for me,which I was sad about. However, after walking around and talking to the other artists I found out it was not good for them either. It was a smaller show and people said this year no one seems to be buying. For my first show out of Michigan it was a bummer. but the more I read on this web site that seems to be the risk we take as artists.  I guess Ill keep on creating and keep on going. 

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  • Hi Toni,

    What show, specifically, were you talking about?  Was it the Venice-Nokomis Rotary show?  If so, I recently posted a blog on this show and you may find it, and the responses I got, interesting reading.  Michelle's advice about researching shows is right on the money: Use this site and Sunshine Artist wisely, and you'll be off to a good start.

    Michelle's comment about staying away from shows in Jan. and Feb. makes sense up north, but in Florida that's the beginning of the high tourist season, so that's when most of us down here begin to make the bulk of our sales for the year. 

  • Toni,  sorry to hear about the outcome of your first fair out of state.  I, personally, stay away from shows in Jan. and Feb. as it seems to be slow due to coming out of the Christmas/holiday buying season.  Could this be the reason for the results you had, who knows.  All I can say is don't let that discourage you from pushing forward.  My best advice is really do your homework before signing up for any show to get a well rounded idea of what is in store if you get accepted and exhibit.  Perhaps you did that already and the "brochure didn't match the real picture" of the show, but can't hurt, right?  - Michelle
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