year end wrap up (1)

Looking for a few good (ahem) men! and women!

It is the end of the year. has had a great year and we'd like to pass out a few awards6a00e54fba8a738833010536827b09970c-pi to thank the members who have had been instrumental in its growth. We'd like to recognize those who have made the most contributions to this site in 2010. Here is what we'll do first:

  1. Will you help us choose the best blog posts? To make it easier I need 12 people to comb each month's blog posts and choose the ten best from each month. Then we'll let the membership vote for the best of the month and the best of the year.

    Will you please volunteer to do this? I'm sure there are 12 of you who have participated or even lurked for a long time who can do this. The volunteer will only have to do one month, not the whole year.  You won't have to come out in public even if you're shy. Email me to volunteer.
  2. Will you suggest some topics for the awards? E.g., the most erudite, the most outrageous, the most insightful, the best show review.... Please add those ideas below.

Let's give back to those who have inspired us this year and made us think, get angry and laugh.


This is your site. I notice even when I go away for two weeks and then come back you are still here and the site is alive, even though there was a near lynching the last time.

Let's send this year out with a good wrap up of the State of our Industry for 2010 then we'll go get 2011!

Comment below and email me now to help!


P.S. This site's traffic has moved from #899,286 in the Alexa rankings to as low as #124,385* in recent days. This is amazing! What it tells me is that there are a lot of you out there who we never hear from, but we know you are visiting. Thanks for that. I hope you've found us helpful and fun.

Here are our today's stats:
Members: 4092
RSS feed: 3214
Blog posts: 1437
Photos uploaded: 8205
Discussions: 1225
Facebook Fans: 1381


*Sites that track some of the same topics we are cover rank #785,719, #818,698, #1,265,026 and #4,168,320. Yes, in case you haven't noticed - we rock! What a great group of people we've gathered here.


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