wait list (1)

Usually there are very decent relationships between art fair organizers and artists, but two different sources sent me this info recently about the Virginia Highlands show in Atlanta, Ga. From Sally J Bright at the NAIA forum: This weekend an artist told me he was on the waitlist for the Virginia highlands show, which had a $300 booth fee. He said the show contacted him and offered him a space for $400! He is now a new member of NAIA. Another artist member, upon hearing this, told me about his last experience with the same show. He was offered the opportunity to set up one day early, if he paid approximately $50 additional. Considering the congested area and set-up hassle, he decided to do so but when he pulled out his check book, the show staffer told him cash only. After a few words he relented and told her/him to give him a receipt. That person had the audacity to say no, that could not be done. The artist refused to pay cash without a receipt and the show finally gave him a hand-written 'receipt'. He has not applied to the show again. I'm pretty surprised, and I'd guess you are too. Can this be the whole story? Let's see if we can get an answer.
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