selling in galleries (1)

Podcast -- Let's Talk about 2012 Best Art Fairs

You are going to love this one! Not only did we get the info about the nation's top art fairs (do I hear Coconut Grove, Plaza Art Fair, Cherry Creek, Bayou City, Fort Worth) -- no surprises there ;), but also we get a vote for a well-attended high end crowd at Sunfest in Ocean City, MD.8869100455?profile=original

Photographer Allan Teger called in early and we had a long chat about his 35 year career in the shows. Don't know Allan or his work? Here is his website: He's been successful selling at art fairs, the bulk of his income, but he also has a successful online business selling his hand printed black and white photos to collectors. He's been featured in a lot of magazines and also has his work in galleries.

About half way through the show contemporary abstract artist Melissa Ayr called in from her gallery in San Francisco. She had just returned from the art world's fabulous Art Basel Miami where her work was exhibited by her representative at the Red Dot Art Fair. She had tales of high-flying parties and the gallery rep world that was fascinating. 8869100464?profile=original

Melissa and Allan were perfect foils for each other, comparing notes on how to build an art career.

Are you interested in being more successful at the nation's art fairs or do you have aspirations for an international career? This podcast will answer many of your questions.

  • Did you know these podcasts are available on iTunes? Search for "art fair artists success show".
  • Did you know that you can download them to listen to at a later date? Here's that link.
  • or listen right now right here.
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