selling an art festival (1)

Do you have some good images we can use?

Looking for Images for our Websites

a250649a-832a-4b9a-8010-016b3048b927.jpgWe are finally rebuilding our websites:, CallsforArtists.comand and are looking for captivating images to showcase the art festival business.
Do you have any of the following that you'd like to share with us?
  • your best jury image
  • people shopping and having fun at an art fair
  • exceptional and attractive art fair images
  • group shots of artists; artists interacting with customers

Most importantly: what you think might "sell" a festival and bring people to attend

.jpg, .gif. or png. format only; files of less than 500 KB up to 20 MB; width 1500-2500 pixels, preferably horizontal. We will link back/caption the image to give you photo credit and PR.
Send them to me:, asap! because this is what I'm doing on my summer vacation.
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