projectors (1)

I watched a documentary on an artist whose work sells for $65,000 - over $250,000 each.

I have seen his work before and it is interesting and really cool... I've always been so impressed with his skill, and the amazing amount of detail.

His work sells to collectors and museums.

I was really digging it until I saw the part where he is in China painting. They showed his a crew of like 10 Chinese painters doing all the backgrounds and the clothes.Wait, what?

The artist picks his models, he has someone else do the photography [he does art direction], imports his background images from wallpaper and/or other patterns. I watched as someone else put it all together in photoshop.

So how does he get the image on canvas? It looks like he uses a projector [!!!] and/or prints the images on canvas or fabric from photoshop.

Now I feel like I just found out my parents didn't really send my pet duck Donald to a "farm" after he broke his leg.

You know, there is that constant "artist" dialog about how using a projector is "cheating" - using any of sort of tool...except the artists that are making the most money in the WORLD all seem to use one, and a crew of painters, sculptors, fabricators.

So are the collectors really buying "his" original work or is it just his concept?

I work so hard, with my hands in and on everything. Why aren't my pieces selling for $250,000?

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