old booth (1)

Are You Worrying about the Booth Shot?

From an email I received:

I just purchased a new Showoff tent and Armstrong walls for the 2016 season. Being in MI and in the middle of winter I am not sure I will get the chance to get a new image made before getting out my apps that are due soon. My last year's image is with my EZUP tent and mesh walls. Is it better to find a way to get my booth set up and shot before the deadlines or to use my image from last year and instead let the show know that I do have this new setup?


My response:

It all depends. Is it a well known show with many applicants, or one where you might not have to be too strict about the rules? 

If its a biggie and your old booth shot is good, I'd use that. Shows do not choose their exhibitors on the quality of their set ups. I know we obsess over which is the best tent, walls, color, angle, that will get ourselves into a show, but basically the show just wants to know your 10 x 10 will add value to the overall look of the show.

Didn't get around to shooting it? Put in the disclaimer, but ordinarily the show doesn't care. They just want to see the degree of professionalism you have and you want the jury to say "we want that one in our show."

What does anyone else have to say? What have you done in this situation?

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