new zapp (1)

Zapp rolls out their new look!

Have you seen Zapps new look? Essentially it contains all the old gizmos with a new look (not bad overall) plus a few more new tricks. I just reviewed an application I was holding on to and found when you go to arrange your images they have a new "drag and drop" feature. It takes some maneuvering to get the images to split if you want to drag an image in between two others. Just like the "old" Zapp, if you go back to review an application your image order is all scrambled up so check carefully!

How about check-out!


Did yah Notice 3. where it says, "click the "Checkout" button"? I challenge you to find a "checkout button" it isn't there. You have to click the "Review Cart" button which then takes you to the usual window with the Paypal option, etc. I sent off a quick note about this issue to them and they got back to me immediately saying, "We appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. We are in the process of correcting this." I appreciate their responsiveness!

Finally, although my initial look was only superficial, when you review "My Zapplications" I don't know if it's my old eyes or just a bad choice of colors. I remember when I was in Graphic Design school one of the cardinal rules about type style and color was "if you can't read it, it isn't functional". No problem with the type style probably just Helvetica but the light green for a heading? Not my first choice for readability.

Okay, so I've started the ball rolling...any other oops or applause?

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