medical tourism (1)

Are artists among the uninsured?

Another one of the challenges of being self-employed is the uncertainty of medical insurance. Throughout our career in the art fair business we changed carriers several times and luckily have been able to find decent coverage at a not too extravagant price. Not so for many of you, especially those with chronic conditions. I am linking here to a story from the American Medical Association's online journal that includes the story of one of our members, potter Paul Gerhold, and his search for medical care throughout the world, what is euphemistically called "medical tourism," Faces of the Uninsured. Art fair artists joke about the delight of turning 65 because it seems to be the end of a long quest for coverage. Thanks Sally Bright, of the NAIA for sending me this link. Are you letting your Senators and congressmen know how you feel about the health care debate? This is a defining issue for our times. Speak up and help make history.
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