embracing our differences (3)

Call for Artists: Embracing Our Differences

12426307675?profile=RESIZE_400xJanuary 19 through April 13, 2025
Sarasota, FL: Bayfront Park

St. Petersburg, FL: Poynter Park
80-90 Artists
Deadline: July 1, 2024

No Application or booth fee

Embracing Our Differences is seeking submissions for an outdoor juried art exhibit featuring 50 billboard size images created by local, national and international artists. The display reflects the artists' interpretations of the theme "enriching lives through diversity and inclusion." The exhibit will be on display January 19 through April 13, 2025 in two locations in Sarasota and St. Petersburg Florida. The winning artworks combine a deep understanding of both medium and message.


Awards are given for "Best-in-Show Adult," "Best-in-Show Student," and "People's Choice" categories, with the last chosen by exhibit visitors to each location. Adult winners each receive $2,000; students receive $2,000 with $1,000 to be directed to the student and $1,000 to their school’s art program, if they worked under the direction of an educator.

12426307876?profile=RESIZE_400xArtists possess a powerful tool to evoke social change. Without uttering a single word, they can enlighten, educate and affect change around the world. Embracing Our Differences invites you to participate in creating a society where inclusion is embraced and individuality is celebrated.

Learn more: https://www.embracingourdifferences.org/
Contact: Sheila McKoy sheila@embracingourdifferences.org

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10814104899?profile=RESIZE_400xJanuary 18 through May 29, 2023
Sarasota, Florida
Bayfront Park
Deadline: October 5, 2022
No Application or Booth fees
Art is a powerful tool to evoke social change. Since 2004, Embracing Our Differences has used the power of art and prose to promote diversity. The centerpiece of Embracing Our Differences is an outdoor juried art exhibit featuring 50 billboard size images (12.5 feet by 16 feet) created by local, national and international artists and writers. The display reflects the artists' interpretations of the theme "enriching lives through diversity."
10814106475?profile=RESIZE_400xThe exhibit will be on display January 18 through May 29, 2023 in three locations through Sarasota and Manatee counties in Florida.
Awards are given for "Best-in-Show Adult," "Best-in-Show Student," and "People's Choice" categories, with the last chosen by visitors to the exhibit. Adult winners each receive $2,000; students receive $2,000 with $1,000 to be directed to the student and $1,000 to their school’s art program, if they worked under the direction of an educator.
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Call for Artists: Embracing Our Differences

SarasotaJanuary 9 - April 10
Sarasota, Florida
Bayfront Park
50 Artists
Deadline: October 6
Appication & booth fees: 0

The centerpiece of Embracing Our Differences is an outdoor juried art exhibit featuring 50 billboard size images created by local, national and international artists and writers. The display reflects the artists' interpretations of the theme "enriching lives through diversity." The exhibit will be displayed at Bayfront Park in downtown Sarasota. The winning artworks combine a deep understanding of both medium and message.
Sarasota show

Awards are given for "Best-in-Show Adult," "Best-in-Show Student," and "People's Choice" categories, with the last chosen by visitors to the exhibit. Adult winners each receive $1,000; students receive $1,000 with $500 to be directed to the student and $500 to their school's art program, if they worked under the direction of an educator.

Through the transformative power of the arts,
we educate and inspire to create a better world.
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