customer comments (1)

Interesting Words from Ann Arbor

I had a great time this year at Ann Arbor.  Amid the lovely, heartfelt compliments there were a few comments I "collected" and thought you all might get a chuckle out of them...

Two separate buyers assured me I shouldn't worry because my work would be "going to a good home."

A lady with a very obvious Chinese accent and a large camera pointed at my ceramic art:

"Is all of this made in the US?"

Another  lady scrutinizing the sculpted ceramic herons I make:

"Where do you get your birds?"

And my all time favorite, overheard from a man crabbing into his cell phone on State Street:

"There are all these stupid white tents everywhere, and I can't find my bus stop!"

(Doesn't it just make you wonder if he noticed there weren't any buses?)

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