choosing shows (1)

So, It's the first day of July and I am about to finalize my Fall schedule of shows and organize my whole life until Christmas. It certainly isn't a impetuous life we lead in this business....always thinking 6 months ahead and trying to make the funds to do that... while still making art and paying for that too. It's a roller coaster for me...I'll admit, with a great show, intermixed with some not so great and the wheel keeps spinning around.

I love it, it fits my temperament, but I always think I could be much smarter about it....that I could be doing more and doing it better. Which brings me to the question at hand.

I have really appreciated all the input that goes into this site and the wisdom of the many sages that populate it. So, I was wondering about your take on a couple of shows I have been juried into....if they are worth the drive and expense to do and if they are a proven good risk. I have done a few first time shows this year with some iffy results so I want to ask before I barge ahead and commit.

I am a contemporary mixed media artist, and I realize we all have pretty different experiences based on the local of a given show, booth spot and the economics of an area. I have looked up Peoria but I haven't seen all that much, what I have seen is good but I'd like to know if it's worth an 8 hours drive. I just got in off the wait list and if you could give some feedback about your experiences there it would be so helpful.

OK,  so now I'll just dump all these at your feet...what the heck, I'm already in too deep. I am wondering about Greater Gulfcoast in Florida and Centerfest in Durham and while I'm asking, might as well ask about the Covington Art Festival.  

I hate to throw this out there to the group (been done so often) but I have looked up the available info (thanks Connie) and haven't found any recent reviews and was wondering if these shows are still good choices, although I know a lot goes into that assumption for every different artist. Thanks in advance and I hope your Fall Schedule is wonderful and carries you through to your spring that wheel keeps turning.

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