cat film festival (1)

Walker Art Museum Presents: Cat Videos!

Something fun for this holiday weekend. You may (or may not) know that some of the most popular videos on the Internet are ones featuring cats. The well-regarded modern Walker Art Museum of Minneapolis held its first Internet Cat Video Film Festival recently featuring 70 videos of cats in t-shirts, cats pounding on pianos, etc.

With more than 70 videos, the Walker mounted a social experiment as much as a film festival. At issue was whether cat video lovers used to gorging on the clips in the privacy of their homes would do so in public — an online community of fellow aficionados interacting face to face for the first time.

‘‘It is a cultural phenomenon that raises some interesting questions,’’ said Katie Hill, the Walker program associate who first suggested the festival.

But Hill, a self-described ‘‘art historian and cat lady,’’ was quick to add: ‘‘I’m not a behavioral psychologist, I’m not a sociologist. I just think they’re funny and cute, and I think a lot of other people do, too.’’

Was it well-attended? What do you think? Read the article here in the Boston Globe.

Here's an even better link with photos and video links:

Does anyone have any favorite cat videos -- maybe cats that paint?

This post is in honor of our cat Bianca, my sweet computer cat, who died on Friday. We'll definitely miss her hi-jinks.

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