books for artists (2)

Let's Sell that Art Work - some Resources

For the readers in our group who want to stay on top of earning a living in this business, some books to check out.

  1. Amanda Palmer - The Art of Asking. Look specifically at how she engaged fans, promotes their problems, and create a culture of constantly asking for and receiving help. 

  2. Matt Lieberman - Social: Why Our Brains are Wired to Connect. A mind-blowing book that covers the science behind social. If you ever want to talk intelligently about how the social parts of the human brain works, read this book. 

  3. Olivia Fox-Cabane - The Charisma Myth. If you're not as influential, popular, or success at managing communities or gaining internal buy-in as you think you should be, it's probably not what you're saying - it's how you're saying it. This book has some good tips for being better in person (and online).

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"Summer Reading" for Artists

Here is an article full of helpful ideas of good books for artists to read, not only for summer for the long haul, an excellent list full of practical books written by Charlene Davis for the Association of Artisan Businesses. Me, I do read a lot and Charlene included my list in the article. I also recommend these to you: • Your Money or Your Life, Joe Dominguez and Vickie Robin (great for an attitude adjustment and justification for following your bliss). • No Thanks, I'm Just Looking, Harry J. Friedman (step by step insights to selling). • The Art of Selling Art, Bill H. Ritchie. • Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale, Zig Ziglar • The Secrets of Superselling, Lynea Corson • How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling, Frank Bettger • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, by Bruce M. Patton • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, by Al Ries and Jack Trout In my present career building and marketing my two websites ( and this one) the most important book was Internet Riches by Scott Fox, really and truly helpful to anyone who is thinking about building an online business. His newest book e-Riches 2.0 takes up where Internet Riches leaves off. Read Charlene's article here: Dive Into Summer Reading! and prepare to sell your art.
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