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  • i wrote about bele chere after we did the show. we were on the college street. last year we were on biltmore st. with a bar behind us. both times no problems with anyone being drunk. please explain to me "what do u expect when it is a festival and there is beer and music?". our sales were holding up to last years until the rain came sunday afternoon about 3 and then the streets were almost void of people. as with a lot of shows set-up/tear down can be horrible. we will go back. love the area with lots to see and do.
    if you dont want the drinking/music/festival kind of shows then dont sign up for them.
    you wont know if it is a good show for u or not unless u try it!!
  • I just want to add: the city of Asheville is renowned throughout that area of the South for it's fine art and culture - at the gallery/theatre level. They could really use a well-organized show, with appropriate security and jurying - and gated to keep out "the staggering hordes."
  • My bad! I used the spelling of "Bele Chere" instead of the correct "Belle Chere" because the artist who exhibited there spelled it that way. I should have checked my sources for the correct spelling. I still don't recommend the show, regardless of how it's spelled, because friends of mine who live in Asheville (or is it Ashvil? har har) think it's a drunken, riotous party, especially at night when the artists are tucked into bed, but their artwork is stored in flimsy tents exposed to the staggering hordes.
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