Newbie's seeking information

It's amazing how many times new AFI members come online to ask the most basic questions….
So here I've tried to summarize many of the repetitive questions that are asked on this forum with the best answers that apply to each.

Question 1)  Which tent should I buy?  
Answer)  One that will keep you and your product safe and dry. (Anything more specific requires knowledge of your medium, products, need for ease of setups/takedown, type of walls you have/will purchase, your physical abilities/disabilities, life expectancy of the tent, and most of all "your budget".)

Question  2)  How much cash should I bring for change?  
Answer)  Enough so you have gas money to get home

Question 3) How many prints of each image should I bring to a show?  
Answer) The amount you will sell, according to your crystal ball.  No one in the universe of art shows can predict what product "they" can sell themselves, much less "you" at  a given show, much less on that particular weekend.

Question 4) Has anyone done the xxx show and what are the expected revenues?
Answer) If you have to ask this question, be sure to read question number 2.

Question 5) Why don't more artists not share their revenue information?
Answer) Because it nobody's business.

Question 6) Why can't you believe Sunshine Artist show rankings?
Answer) Because it has no worthwhile information.  It's content is only used to sell magazines.

Anyone want to add to the list or offer alternative answers?

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  • #10 - do I need a website??  Answer: Yes unless you want to appear to your customers that you are out of touch.

    #11 - How do I obtain insurance?  Don't need to ask this question, just search on it, lots of info

    #12 - How do I take credit cards?  Quit asking, just search, this has been discussed in detail, over and over again.

  • Btw, Ray, I want to thank you and others, like Michelle, for taking up the mantle.  I used to be the only one who would point these things out. Hence, I've been called the resident curmudgeon.  It's nice to see that you and others are carrying the gauntlet.  You all are making look like a nice guy.  Thank you and keep up the good work.

  • The answer to #3 should be none.  I don't believe any show should allow anything except original art unless you are willing to let me have cheap reproductions of my pots made in some factory, like your prints are. 

    #9) Why is it that when someone speaks passionately about something here, defending their positions, is there always someone calling that person snarky, rude, and implying that person is an elitist?  I'll tell you what is rude and elitest: censorship.

  • Awww, c'mon!  I was just having fun.  All the talk about the stone birds and the belt buckle people made me do it...

  • Question 8) What are AFI blogs and discussion boards for?

    Answer) To get snarky and rude comments from those who look down their nose.

  • #7.  Question

    Into which category should I apply?

    My Klosepin Kritters are inspired by my kindergartner’s art class.  I, however have taken them to a whole new level and added mis-matched googley eyes and not one, but two pipe cleaners to the base.  My googley eyes come from Pakistan, but after unpacking the cases and removing the stickers the eyes do take a considerable amount of time, (at least 45 seconds) to hot glue onto the top of the close pin.  While the glue is drying, my five year old then wraps the base with the aforementioned pipe cleaners to give it that whole “Krittery” feel.  My 3 year -old, then names the Kritters with silly names like Wee-wee and Doo-doo. 

    After the Kritter is complete, I then make the gut-wrenching decision, whether to put a magnet on the back of him (making him 2D fine art) or a little gold safety pin on the back, making him a “wearable”.

    So, as I apply to Cherry Creek and Coconut Grove, which category do you think would give me the best chance of getting accepted?    


    WOW! Your work sounds really awesome!  If I were you, I’d apply in each category and if you get into the shows with both, maybe you could have two booths and put your 5 year old son in the other one. 

    PS.  No actual Kritters were injured writing this.  I’m just trying to have fun at the b/s and mass producing vendor’s expense. 


  • "dependant on the size of your vehicle" coule be added to questions #1 and 3.

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