8869101269?profile=originalFirst off, this blog is not just about me--there is some good meat, read on.  

We all, especially those of us on this site, have lot to be thankful for.

Me.  I am so happy to be live and breathing, very well, thank you.  I can now set up my own booth, with no help, and tug those 45-pound John Deere weights into place.  Ellen says I need to get a newer, lighter booth.  Fat chance. I know what I know--and everytime I climb that six-foot ladder to reach my roof on the van--I think,"I knew I'd make it to the top of the art world one day."

Enough about me.

Here is where I think we should really give thanks.  These are in no ascending or descending order, they just fly off the top of my head as I merrily type away this morn.  (Damn!  Where did I put that shot of tequila?).

Give thanks to Connie Mettler for starting this site.  It has changed in many ways, mostly, all for the better. Sure, some of the old vets no longer contribute (but I bet they still lurk).  We don't get as much news about how people are doing at shows.  We get some, but most of the significant shows have scant info.  I know people are reluctant to give sales figures.  I know a lot don't want to blab about a good show and then feel "I will probably never get in again."

We get lots of good info about so many others things germane to our biz.  It is all here on this site, you just got to know how to navigate it.  Be thankful, it wasn't like this years ago.  It took me eons to amass info that is now at the tips of our fingers.

Give lots of thanks that we can still find a way to sell our own art in this material world.  People envy our freedom (too bad they don't pay our bills).  To be able to create, market and then reap the rewards is a cosmic art high.  Be thankful.

We are still in a slow upturn.  The easy sales are still long away.  But we are tip-toeing closer all the time.  Be thankful that you are one of the many contributors to this.

Be thankful you don't have to work a job being a greeter at Sams Club,, or Home Depot, or similar ilk.  Yes, you get certain benefits from it, but it is a slow death for those of us who have worked for ourselves over the years.  I begin my 33rd year in the biz this 2013.  My goal is to never work for anyone but Nels Johnson.  He is a tough employer who expects a lot.  Early morn photo-shoots, making mats, long drives to shows--but he lets me play golf and fool around in the garden a lot.  Be thankful you have such an employer in yourself.

Be thankful for all the wonderful personalities who inhabit this site.  Their experience, and sense of giving, is astounding.We have such great, steady contributors.  Learn from them and just maybe, become a contributor yourself.  It is always cool to look at the computer screen and see words that you have written--and think, "Wow!  Tons of people are going to see this, and if it goes out on Facebook too, a ton more will see it, doesn't necessarily mean they will read it."  It is a great high.

Lastly, be thankful we live in the land of the brave and the free.  Say grace at your meal today, remember those of the past who used to partake, give thanks to have such good friends, be thankful to be in good health.  Take nothing for granted.  We are all little specks in the sands of time, but our colors will live on for eons.  That is why they call us artists--not vendors.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, from Ellen Marshall and Nels Johnson.

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  • Thanx so much Nels. Great stuff! I hear you and agreerrre. Walmart greeter..Not for meeeee either. Yes working for ourselves is awesome and that we are still 'standing' as Elton sings is something we need to count our blessings about for sure.:)

  • Right on, Nels. Been busy this Thanksgiving, and have stopped about once every hour to give thanks for one thing or t'other. Glad to hear you are kickin' butt and takin' names. See ya down the road. And Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  • Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  How wonderful that we can be so far from all our friends (from Austrailia to Michigan, to Washington State and down to California and back) yet be so close through the magic of the internet.  I am thankful for that.  Stay healthy everyone and I hope everyone is able to rest up and get ready for a new show season.

  • What wonderful thoughts Nels :)

  • Happy Thanksgving All!  So much to be thankful for as we've weathered a few more of the storms of life this year.

  • Very well written. I agree. bob

  • Thanks Geoff, have a wonderful day.

  • Very touching writing from a master of both imagery and words, and (as Hemingway would put it) of living fully and well.  Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

  • Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ellen, Nels. I give thanks for your presence on this site and that of so many others that make it an interesting place to be. I also give thanks that I am not a greeter at our local Wal-Mart. When we stopped doing art fairs (for Norm's health reasons) I thought that was where I would end up, but lo and behold, just like so many of the creative people who hang out here and at the nation's art fairs, I've recreated myself and have a new business, career #3. I am thankful.

    On yesterday's podcast one of the panel, Jerry Gilmore, himself an artist, museum director, curator, etc., could hardly contain himself with his enthusiasm for the wonderful work he sees at the art fairs and the thrill of attending the shows and finding new work. He is talking about you and the others in our business.

    Giving thanks for good health, that you can climb that six foot ladder and haul the stuff off the top of the van, that others can lug those boxes around and set up tents and withstand storms and really, one of the best things, stand in the street for 10-12 hours and smile and visit. You send out the love and it comes back from the wonderful people who attend the shows and the many who envy our lifestyle.

    I am thankful for all the good steady contributors who have been so generous with sharing their information and am pretty thrilled when a new person joins to bring more experience and information to the mix.

    I should be making the pumpkin pie right now, but couldn't resist responding to your essay and sending out holiday wishes to everyone in art fair land. A little something I read this week, being grateful keeps you young.

    P.S. Just knew those pumpkins had to be in Michigan.

  • BTW.  Those white pumpkins were up Saugatuck, MI way.  I shot them in late September, and have been waiting to use them somewhere.  Today, was the day.

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