I was a craft artist at the Seafood Festival this weekend. Here's some thoughts from my own personal experience as well as from neighbors and other craft friends. 1. I can't say it enough - It was HOOOTTT! 92+ degrees with 100% humidity. In order to do this fair you need a fan. Although it is set in a park right on the water, there isn't enough breeze to keep cool. Hot, Humid, and Haze with not much wind makes for a miserable experience. During pack up, just like last year there was a major thunderstorm - I survived it! And to be honest - the rain felt soooo good. Nothing got damaged. 2. Security was an issue. I am one of the lucky ones not affected by some early visitors who went on a shop lifting spree. The way I was told is the two adults (parents) would distract the artist and the kids would steal the products. Jewelry artists got hit harder, but it was 1-2 things from each booth - a total of about 10 booths I think were hit. There wasn't any security that I saw and if the stealing wasn't enough to set some off, it was the drunk people. One artist left 1 day early as a drunk, at the end of the day, fell into their display and damaged some of their merchandise. 3. Sales for me were better than last year, however I only made a few extra dollars of profit over my booth expenses, gas and food. Last year I was a few dollars short of making my booth - $100. This could be that I had a different booth location, newer booth set up, products that people were looking for - I don't know, but nice to know it was better than last year. Of course it isn't anything to jump up and down over, making a profit that makes it worth my while is key and helps me determine whether I should return or not. 4. Customers/attendance. I thought the attendance was good. Not too many great quality customers - those who aren't picky about prices of art or craft. But some there were a few - as long as husbands weren't keeping an eye on wives and their spending. I had a LOT of people taking my business cards as some even fessed they don't have the money now, but want to keep me in mind for Christmas presents. 5. Neighbor crafts people. I had an annoying neighbor who would barge into my booth - when I had customers shopping, in the middle of talking to my husband or another craft friend - and interrupt the conversation to say something that wasn't important. She cost me 3 sales. She also didn't ask for help, she assumed I would help - like, "I need one of you (looking at my husband and I) to help me take down my canopy. " I did the show by myself with my husband joining me for packing up and she (the neighbor) did the same. It was just annoying. 6. How others did. Many didn't make their space, others made out well, it was a wide range of highs and lows among other artists. 7. Final thought... I don't think I can do the show again. Two days of intense heat - and no cooling station or water fountains - plus long hours - 11 - 7 and 11-6 Sat. and Sunday - it just wasn't worth it. I gave the show two tries - hoping it would be better, but when most are there for $6 beers with a 2$ refill and the average food item costing about $8 (and that is not including drinks) it doesn't help with customer spending. Also there is no admission - good but not great - as I saw it opening the doors for a lot of lookie loos. Take my review for whatever you want - like I said some did well, others did not - I did ok. Here's a few other photos - one is of my booth and the other from the park with a view of the Chesapeake Bay...

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  • Thanks for the kind words Amy and Linda. I am happy it is over with and looking forward to the next show - juried art show, the Maryland Wine Festival. Although there are lots of wine in the woods type events, this one has a high rep. among artists and hard to get into - I think I was the last person to actually get in as they made room for me - they thought my items would be a terrific fit and no one else does what I do there. Of course they were also thrilled I am not the milionth jewelry exhibitor who applied. What is awesome about the Wine Festival? It costs only a $25 deposit and $15% commission over two days. Many high end buyers come to the event and there is a fee to enter. I can't wait. The other bit of good news is I don't have to make a whole lot of stock - just replenish a few and make sure my Autumn scented items are full. I will be sure to review it here!
  • That sure does not sound like a keeper, Michelle. Yes the water is pretty, but does not sound like the right crowd. Drunks? I do a LOT of shows that really encourage drinking and have never had a problem like that. I tend to like them having had a beer or 2 and their wallets coming out easier.

    And they really had you guys in there tight up against the annoying neighbor. Wow- people can be rude. I must say that I do like your new display better. I would say that it looks like you could get another shelf to have it facing out to the aisle. Do you have trouble with people not walking in?

    As for the theft- I am pretty much only going to do shows with a helper from now on. I tend to not bring them to the small shows, but I am sure that I am losing sales and artwork when I don't have the extra eyes.
  • You have a nice booth Michelle. I love the hanging flowers and with your produce, I bet it smells inviting too! Too bad it was a bummer show. The location looks beautiful! Wishing you a better next show!
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