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  • Well we were in booth 31 with reverse painting.  I was really anxious throughout the show, as I found that the people there were not in a buying mood.  I barely broke even, and that was thanks to Buffalo Groves purchase from us for the City Hall!  However, I found that price was a major issue at this show.  I had one artist next to me that did relatively well, but he changed his digital art to prices around $100 to $200.00.  The metal outdoor couple across from me did well, as I suspect that this type of art does well at these shows.  Others around me and those I talked to were not seeing the purchases. 

    The city volunteers and support were absolutely fantastic!  They had many people there to serve us, and from that standpoint, they are extremely supportive of the arts and this show.  I noticed that the mall area this was held at was "dying", and I don't know if that has something to do with it or not, but again, the energy didn't feel very upbeat.  Traffic appeared to be "not bad", but getting people to get out their wallets was quite the challenge for me.  I'm actually considering going much lower in price points to see if that is an answer (volume).

    So anyway, I come out of that show extremely happy that the city purchased from me (very proud), but unsure what to make of the rest of it.  If I got a nickle for every positive exuberant compliment I received, then I would have be a really happy camper!

  • lots or oos and ahs -- but people wanted beautiful pieces for under wholesale priced of silver.  trying to bargain a $28 piece?  people  identifying who the piece should go to and then walk away - or say - i'll be back (no you won't).  frustrating.

  • Over all the quality was not consistent at this show.   very disappointing.

    Deb's work is pretty much tailor-made for Buffalo Grove.  Sorry that the sales were not there.

  • it should be a fabulous show.  we've made espenses.  that's more than i can say for some of the shows.  and this is our 2nd year -- so we're hurting.  positive attitude -- we're almost neighbors -- we're 59.

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