2-22-09 An innovative new web site, the Arts Acquisition Project, devoted to connecting artists with collectors seeks pieces for its inaugural exhibition. The Arts Acquisition Project aspires to be the premier arts web site to date, bringing a fresh approach to the online gallery business. The focus will be not only on the art, and revealing it to a wider audience, but also to introduce the general public to the artists as people, innovators in action. Commentary and review will also be an integral part of the Arts Acquisition Project, as AAP strives not only to sell art, but to also cultivate an environment of artistic growth and conversation. One of the Arts Acquisition Project's biggest assets will be its close relationships to regional and national artist and buyer communities. AAP will also have a commanding presence on the web, where its over-arching relevancy in the arts community will make it one of the top hits on Google whenever someone searches for 'art.' Quite simply, the Arts Acquisition Project is going to become synonymous with purchasing art online. AAP is interested in showing all forms of visual artistic media, including but not limited to painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, sculpture, mixed media, jewelry, and crafters. You are invited to be part of the inaugural group of artists included in this gallery. Artists should submit a brief biography and up to five pieces (as jpegs) of work, preferably of the same theme. The Rest of the Story: Arts Acquisition Project is an innovative economic solution to an eclectic art market. Historically, artists have asked patrons to come to them, whether it be to galleries, exhibitions, or art fairs. With AAP, the art will be going to where the consumer is already shopping: the Internet. A sleek, hip, user-friendly website like AAP will entice a new type of buyer to consider purchasing original modern art. Natanya Willis, the founder of the Arts Acquisition Project, is an interior designer and arts hobbyist. Her appreciation of the visual arts and design has seamlessly brought her to the next generation of arts appreciation. Her understanding of the power of the Internet and its unlimited potential to convey interest in the arts will prove to be both provocative and engaging. Creating and delivery of a new online forum for the arts is no easy task, but the rewards of ingenuity and creativity are well worth the efforts. You are invited to be part of the inaugural group of artists included in this gallery. Artists should submit a brief biography and up to five pieces (as jpegs) of work, preferably of the same theme. For more information, or to submit, visit www.artsacquisitionproject.com. Entries will also be considered for publication in the biannual print journal. 2-25-09 After artists contacted Ms. Willis for more information after reading the above "call", she has updated it. Here is her response: Thank you for you interest regarding the Arts Acquisition Project. We are delighted with the responses so far. Please review our artist update regarding detailed questions that each of you requested. The AAP is in its development stage and the process is moving quickly. Again, I would like to thank each of you for your interest in this special project. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly and stay tuned, the site will be evolving everyday. Thank you, Natanya Willis Click on this link for the latest updates: Artist Update.doc Arts Acquisition Project
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  • I like doing wood working and have been doing it for more than 10 years. I started my photograph about three years ago. My portfolio is growing but not as fast as I want it too. I live in St. Charles, MO and belong to the Greater St. Louis Art Association and the Best of Missouri Hands, The Greater St. Louis Wood Workers Guild and the Boone Trail Corvette Club. My favorite thing to do is fire up my Orange Z06 and travel the back roads of Missouri and visit on of the winery's and drink the nectar of the Gods.
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