off (2)

What is your plan for this time of year?

Just curious as to what Artist mostly do during the show off season?  A lot of people go to Florida for shows, some just take a break and/or work on their Art, others try to dig deep for small local shows or venues like Home shows or Flower Shows, or get a temp job? Since I'm tired of watching my bank account dip this time of year Im considering a new strategy. I mostly take a few weeks off, work on updating new product, applying to shows and doing my taxes. How about you?

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Turn off the Brain Chatter

“It is so much fun exploring each new small advance. Magic happens with a series. It’s wonderful to trust your inner instincts and turn off the brain chatter now and then.” -Jean BradleyDid Jean Bradley really say; “turn off the brain chatter now and then” ? Brain chatter, what a wonderfully interesting way of describing the constant barrage of information that plays like a movie reel in my mind. Brain chatter. I think you know what I am talking about - it is that continuous stream of questions...moreadd your commentsDeborah T. Colterweb---
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