blogging advice (1)

Thanks for your patience - taking me longer than I thought to get the next Question in the series together and out there... I don't know how, but weeks are flying. I am going to try and be more diligent in keeping this more regular – once a week. Which made me think of this topic for question #28. I cannot even begin to tell you all how fun it is to have a blog, as well as do a podcast I am sure, that focuses on a passion. Aside from giving anyone the ability to share some great knowledge on a topic you probably are an expert on (or on your way to being) it is a great way to do some free advertising for your artwork or your business. Now I am not going to take your hand and tell you how to start a blog or podcast, I am going to leave that up to you to read via internet sites or books. I am going to share with you some reasons why blogging and podcasting are great ways to promote your artwork or craft business.

Question # 28 – Should I blog or do a podcast promoting my art business or my artwork?

The answer – yes, IF you have something to share with people that they haven't heard about before. The big question however is what should you blog about or do a podcast on? First look at what you are good at and focus your social media on that. Are you an accomplished artist in your field and want to share your expertise with the world (without divulging too many trade secrets)? Are you able to come up with comical remedies to crafting frustrations? How about offering ideas on how to display or use your work? Don't forget people like to learn new things – if you are a creative person not in just your field of expertise but able to tie other things to your work – this could benefit you too. I could see a person who loves to cook and knit, blog about colors in food and connect that with colored yarn in hopes to create a masterful recipe of knitting project ideas.

To promote your blog/podcast you need to come up with a good content, then find a decent website to post your blog. Wordpress and blogspot are two popular ones I know of ... Make sure the blog is neat and attractive – this goes for both podcasts and blogs as many who create their own podcasts use blog sites to post show notes and such to keep listeners up to date. Once this is accomplished, stick to a writing/recording schedule, consistently make it fun/entertaining/educational, as well as use some good photographs for visual aids. Sometimes reading can get boring – especially if posts can be long and in depth. Mixing it up with some visual aids really helps captures the readers attention. With my blog, I try to tie photos, but don't always have just the right ones for some topics. If that happens, don't worry about it – people will understand. You all do understand right??

Lastly, market your blog – this is what will help you sell your work or get your business recognized. Let your friends and family know about your blog. Tell your Facebook fans/friends know you have a blog and link new blog posts to your Facebook page when you write new posts. Include your blog site on your business cards or in salutations in emails. Also visit other blogs that are similar to what you blog about or where your target audience visits and write informative feedback content via their comment sections. Don't say, “Neat blog – visit me at “ as this is spam – people don't like spam. People do like additional information though and this could get people to want to learn more about you and what you have to say.

I really could go on and on about this topic, but to answer the question, yes blogging and creating your own podcasts can be very rewarding when it comes to promoting yourself and your work. If this sounds like something you want to learn more about many blog sites will walk you through the process and I am currently reading a neat book that covers this topic and more called The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin. I am not a promoter of it, just a reader and do recommend it as it is a pretty current, easy to read craft book guide on how to sell your art/craft. I invite all who do have a podcast or blog to use the comment button and do a brief synopsis of it! Until, the next blog post – I wish you the best and keep cool during the dog days of Summer. - Michelle Sholund,
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