wake up...smell the censors

House Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-Ohio) and incoming Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Tuesday called for the dismantling of an exhibit in the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery after they learned that it contains video of a Jesus statue with ants crawling on it, as well as works of art with strongly sexual themes.It's time to reflect on the incidious frog boil that finds it's way even to the street fair. How many have been censored? How many are told what they can or can't show. Trust me when I tell you, when they censor you, it's a political act. It's time to act political right back at them.
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  • Munks,  I'm not censoring you and Jack, I just wanted the thread to stay on censorship, not personal witticisms and clever remarks that do little to forward or add information to the discussion.   And the "veddy..." sign off was meant to lighten my comments, not to take them as an attack.  And, if you've ever seen a concert (film or live) with Elvis Presley, this is how he often thanked the audience.


    Next time I'll just ignore you and your nemeses and stay on the track of the thread.

  • I believe one of the early threads in this conversation was about the Smithsonian's censorship of
    a video where ants were crawling over a crucifix, well, not only were the "insiders" exercised over this, at least 10 other museums, from the San Francisco Museum of Art, to the New Museum in New York have stepped up plans to show this work in their museums. Learn more about these culture wars:  http://www.startribune.com/

    In addition, art museums and critics also are uniting to protest this Smithsonian censorship -- imagine an emergency organizing meeting!! Read all about it:  http://www.care2.com/causes/politics

  • Could you two get a room so the rest of us can discuss Censorship (remember, the reason for this thread) in a calm, cool and collected manner, without the name calling, insults, and other excuses for nothing much to say?  Thank you veddy veddy much.  

  • Regarding censorship, when I had a photo of a partially (top half) nude statue (she had a wildflower growing out of her midsection - the soul chakra - otherwise I wouldn't have photographed it - since it was someone else's artwork) framed and hanging in my booth, I would sometimes get negative comments about it.  To these commentators, I would just shake my head and say, "Ya know, if God had wanted us to be naked, we would have been born that way." That gently drives them out of my booth and hopefully some place where I won't be drinking a martini at the end of the show day.  

  • Sadly I must returnto the editing of the music show.....let me say what I have learned. It seems odd that people like Mr Munks are oppossed to "almost all  forms of government funding of the arts". This strikes me as odd, as so many of the shows rely on some type of government grants or assistance to exist. I doubt that enters his mind when he is applying to or participating in these events.....I'm not so suprised at all the push back I received in regard to my suggestion that less decorative and more creative art would improve results....Now...we are currently accepting applications for our Spring event.....you may apply using zippylaacation...app fee is 250.00...we don't allow breasts, peni, well lighted ass, anything that makes a social or political statement and if you show up high on human growth hormones or too much niacin...you willbe asked to leave.....we have extended out appliactication period until 2023...this is not an indication of a lack of applications.......we just figure theres more money in app fees than anything else....Good luck Mr Munk...doing only shows that have no government art funding...let us all know how that works out....

  • The rest of the story - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/09/AR2...


    Apologize if someone posted this before.  Now that I have read this I think it belonged in the exhibit.

  • @ Jack: LOL!

    Several years ago, a well known sculptress had a show at the local medical school. Among her works was a nude bronze bust, beautifully and tastefully rendered. The dean's secretary went nuts because there were "naked boobs" in the lobby of a medical school. The censors reigned and the piece was removed. It was said, at the time, that she would have been the first to paste the fig leaves on Michelangelo's David. Ruined a perfectly good show.
  • tap tap tap..."is this thing on?"
  • yawn
  • come on jack, that was pitiful. as munks would say: you can do better than that. i can see munks got you annoyed but you don't have to be very smart to call people names. that's junior high stuff.
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