Stephen Epstein - A Bridge in Motion -

Painting: Acrylic Paint, Ink, Matte Medium on Canvas.We all cross a bridge when at some point in our life we physically, metaphorically or symbolically come to one. The bridge is a means to a transition from one place to another, creating perhaps a new direction, venturing into a new space of opportunity on the other known or unknown side, or leaving behind us an existing, familiar, well-travelled route, or an old experience that is ready to be cast into the realm of the past and memory. This painting conjures up the impression of a bridge that pulsates with warm and cool colors, all surface colors that vibrate with movement, going to or from one architectural world into another with geometric shapes, lines and textures. However, within this composition towards the bottom, one side of this curved, elevated bridge road is open-ended and it is up to the observer to fill-in and imagine what could exist on the other side, beyond, what adventure and possibility awaits, as we personalize this journey, making changes of direction to the travels in our own life.
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