I am getting ready to buy a new tent and have it narrowed down to a Trimline or a Showoff. My sister thinks the steel framedTrimline would be better since it is heavier, but the Showoff has fewer pieces and is lighter since it is aluminum. I would appreciate any thoughts on this.
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Hi Melinda, just wondering how you are doing with your trimline tent? Are you happy with it? How much time does it take you to set it up?
I am considering buying one, but am worried that it's too heavy and too cumbersome to load and move (with two four-door cars). I do have a helper and we are both healthy seniors.
Any words of advice?
Bill Shattuck > Marilyn WeisbergJune 15, 2016 at 4:31pm
Trim line is rock solid and breaks down into light and easy to carry pieces. Will fit easily into most vehicles.
I am an older woman with a Trimline and have no problem setting mine up by myself. I have found it's not the setting up but the hauling things from my vehicle to the site that wears on me as it is heavy. So, get a good dolly! Also, a riser kit makes raising it by yourself much easier. I love my Trimline.
Larry Berman > Kathy BurksApril 7, 2011 at 10:37am
Great. I'm looking to hire an older woman to set my Trimline up for me.
If you have ever been anywhere and seen the cheap tents fly into the air, you know that the more durable ones are worth the extra price and work to set up. Of course, it does help if you have a guy to help with the set up.
I agree with Jacki, just made my purchase and i went with trimeline over showoff, durability for me was more important and the parts might be smaller but at the least it is steadier when put together. Easy for me to say though for i dont have much problems with heavy weights or setup. If thats an issue for you then you can consider the showoff. Good luck.
Hello Melinda. I think the more durable tent is better than a lighter tent. Tent must be durable because you never know what the weather will be like. You have to be ready for anything! I don't think fewer pieces is worth it. I know setting up that tent and taking it down can be a real hassle, but a tent that can't stand up to the weather would be a bigger hassle to me. Just a thought. Hope that helps.
I have a used .....like new...used 3 times Trimline and ProPanels.....not sure where you are.
Hi Melinda, just wondering how you are doing with your trimline tent? Are you happy with it? How much time does it take you to set it up?
I am considering buying one, but am worried that it's too heavy and too cumbersome to load and move (with two four-door cars). I do have a helper and we are both healthy seniors.
Any words of advice?
Where are you located?
Larry Berman
If you have ever been anywhere and seen the cheap tents fly into the air, you know that the more durable ones are worth the extra price and work to set up. Of course, it does help if you have a guy to help with the set up.
Jacki B
Hello Melinda. I think the more durable tent is better than a lighter tent. Tent must be durable because you never know what the weather will be like. You have to be ready for anything! I don't think fewer pieces is worth it. I know setting up that tent and taking it down can be a real hassle, but a tent that can't stand up to the weather would be a bigger hassle to me. Just a thought. Hope that helps.
Jacki B