Most require a booth shot so I am looking to buy a used booth/canopy somewhere close to St. Louis. Thanks, Steve
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Most require a booth shot so I am looking to buy a used booth/canopy somewhere close to St. Louis. Thanks, Steve
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I have seen foldable wooden systems (hinged) that looked very nice and were sturdy enough for pottery. I assumed that the artist made it himself but they might be available commercially? I think there may be a pottery subgroup on here so might be worth joining that one (find "groups" on top). Also might be worthwhile to apply to a couple of smaller shows as well as "going big" - then if you get into both you have the choice (which is a great position to be in as a new artist). Like your dogs :)
Thanks to all for the advice! I will hold out hope for a deal on a used one or get an EZ UP...I want to stay local with my first attempts, but from what I can tell the St. Louis art fair and Plaza Fair in KC are tough ones to get into and my concern is that jurors might like seeing a pro looking set up. Anybody have any cheap/creative/easy to move shelving/pedestal ideas that would work for ceramic sculpture in an EZ UP? I like your advice Connie and am trying to convince myself that the registration fees on Best of Missouri Hands is worth it?
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I too was curious about your plans for displaying your work since you are 3-D vs. "hanging" work. We got propanel with the shelving but it likely would not be sturdy enough for your work (looks heavy). I am sure there are alot of ideas out there but of course portability and other factors may also be consideration. I agree with Robert that in order to get started you might just want to buy an easy up at a local store. We got our first one at Costco and have since switched over to a trimline. Good luck!!
When I look at the Show Off website I can buy the canopy with mesh walls...My question is if I hang my work from the top horizontal support poles, are the show-off mesh walls tight and stable enuff to keep the art from moving? I have mostly pedestal work but the stuff that hangs on the walls is usually 3x3' or 3x4' and four inches deep with a sculpture built in. I have uploaded a pic of the art for reference. Any other ideas on panels? Not a big fan of the carpet looking panels I have seen before.
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Steve, size is not a problem, but weight might be. Weight your largest piece and then contact (the manufacture of the Mesh panel). Customer service at Flourish is outstanding and they would be your best source for info. Cheers.
You may want to borrow one just for this booth shot, Steve. There are a lot of artists in the St. Louis area and many are members here. Check out this website for Missouri artists:
and maybe their FB page will be helpful:
The canopy is not the real stumbling block, the display panels are the real problem. You can get a heavy duty EZ-Up for under $200 new from Sams or something similar from Costco such as their King Canopy with the octagonal legs. The panels are going to get pricey no matter what you do.
You may want to consider getting a photo of a booth with panels and nothing hanging, and drop in pictures of your work if it's 2D in frames. Of course that depends on your PS skills. You may be able to rent everything depending on where you're at.
You are on the right site. You'll probably find someone with a nice canopy for a reasonable price here. It would have been GREAT to have Connies' site up when I was starting!!! Good luck to your new adventure & ENJOY what you are doing~it will show, & you will sell!