298 W. Chicago St., Coldwater, MI - 49036

This house is centrally located for traveling artists:

  • close to highways and easy to get out of town
  • safe to leave for weeks at a time with no security issues
  • large rooms that could accommodate our business

We moved there in 1987 because of its proximity to good roads and interstates within a few minutes drive. Coldwater is on I-69 just 13 miles north of the Toll Road. Within 3 hours we could be in Cleveland, Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Ann Arbor, northern Michigan and on our way to all US destinations in all directions.

It is spacious, 3300 square feet. The rooms are large. We used most of the first floor for a framing room, prop room, photo studio and darkroom. You can drive right up to the front door to load your van. There are at least 6 parking spaces, plenty of room for additional vehicles. 

It is a historic home, built around the Civil War with hand-hewn walnut beams. Sturdy and functional. Over the years we have done a lot of remodeling. 

Connie Mettler - message me on this site

For more info: https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale

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  • Here is what a recent home inspector had to say: 

    The home inspected today has seen many upgrades and I hope this report will help you to further upgrade the home if you decide to move forward and purchase it. The main structure and foundation of the home are solid and structurally sound with no major concerns. After some exterior upkeep listed in this report is done the home has great potential to last for many years to come. 

  • And in the Spring, redbud trees and dogwood


  • Here is another photo. If this isn't for you, any chance you'd share this link with friends in our business, or even people who love historic homes? The yard has many native plants and flowers from April to November.


  • Why am I seeing a bunch of "blank" replies going back over a month?

    • I updated this and I'm seeing them also, Cindy ... but then when I reload they appear. Hope that happens for you too.

      Otherwise, the original replies can be found at this link: http://www.artfairinsiders.com/forum/topics/home-studio-for-sale-mi...

      • When I used the link you provided, I was able to see them.  Then I remembered reading them when they were first posted.  Not sure what the glitch was about, but thanks!

        • Don't you want to move to Michigan, Cindy?

  • Does the house have central air? What is the speed limit on the street? 

    Does not have central air. Several room air conditioners. The house has thick walls and is well insulated. It is on a US highway, US 12. As it is in the city I think the speed limit is 40 as you come into town, going out they're getting ready to leave ... gee, I lived there a long time and don't even know. 

    301686650?profile=originalBig driveway for you, your vehicle, your motorhome, your friends, your Porsche

    Coldwater is a nice town.  I live over between Centreville and Three Rivers, which is about 30 miles from Coldwater, and it's a great location for heading out to shows in any direction. 

    Thanks, Faith. Although there is not a thing wrong with the house (pretty nice) I'm selling location here ... if you're traveling, make those travels shorter and save time and money. This part of the country is lovely, beautiful trees and lakes everywhere. Peace and quiet ... we moved  here from Detroit and it was a welcome respite.

    I worked for Connie and Norm since 1995.  I worked in a large room in the front of the house.  I cut mats and glass and everything else and even on the hottest days it was comfortable in there with one air conditioner cooling basically the whole first floor.  Norm did have an air conditioner in her dark room but the rest of the first floor did not that to cool those rooms.  

    The street this house is on is a highway but it isn't like what you would expect for a highway.  It is only one lane in each direction.  Being on this street is very convenient for the UPS truck to come get your artwork that you need to ship out.  

    Occasionally Connie and Norm would have a sale from their house.  There is plenty of room to have a sale in side the house on the bottom floor.  Connie also has set the tent up and sold many things from the front yard.  Passersby will stop if you set up a tent to sell stuff.  Connie sold artwork, Norm's extra cameras, and household things from the convenience of her home.  Another plus, every August there is a state wide garage sale along US 12.  It lasts for several days.  People come from all over looking for bargains and deals.  That is a great time to get rid of overstock.  

    Connie's house is 2 doors from an appliance store.  I did my share of dumpster diving in search of cardboard, boxes and whatever else I needed to package up artwork to ship out.  I saved a lot of money on shipping material doing that.  They also let Connie's guests park in the appliance store's parking lot after hours.  All you need to do is introduce yourself, tell them what you would like to do, and this store was great to us.  

    Plus, if you buy Connie's house I would be more than happy to check on the house when you are gone for several weeks at a time.

    • If you have looked at the Zillow listing you'll see basically a family home. We used nearly the entire first floor for our art business. That room with the fireplace had a large framing table in the center and shelves all around for supplies. Other rooms were used for a shooting studio, prop room, art fair equipment room, loading area for shows. The house is easily accessible for loading and unloading.

      And the photo that is missing from the Zillow listing is the workroom, which remains that basically. It is approximately 25 x 17 and has a large worktable in the center plus built in shelving along the walls. It was the darkroom for 25 years. It also has plumbing. 


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