booth shot


I am new to Art Fair Insiders. I have done four art festivals. I live in Gainesville, FL and we have four local festivals. I have done two of the smaller shows two years each. I finally got into one of the larger shows, the Downtown Festival and Art Show, after being on a wait list. My booth has improved over the past four festivals from the tent, display panels and even the artwork of higher caliber. So I have two questions. 1. How does my booth look? 2. Other than removing my personal sign, does the booth shot look good for applying to other festivals or are there things I should change and then re photograph this weekend? Thank you.




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  • Hi Cindy - thanks for posting a lower resolution photo.   I would suggest doing another shot, staged for the photo.   Pretend the door in the back doesn't exist and put art on it (or spread it across the back more evenly).  If you don't have a blank cement floor, photoshop it out to a solid dark grey so it doesn't grab attention.  Remove all signs and the  small table and spinning card rack.    Get the rug to lay flat as the little undulations catch your eye.  If you can't - photoshop it!    Then I'd say it would be ready to go :)

  • resized booth shot posted. Look for in one of the replies.

  • I am attempting to add a lower resolution photo.


    • Another way that I often use to resize photos is It's easy and free.
  • Welcome aboard Cindy!

    Any chance of lower resolution photos?   Each one is 1.5 to 2.3MB at the moment.

    • I added a lower resolution. It is in the reply section. I'm new so wasn't sure if I should add it or replace it at the top. Did you have any suggestions? Thanks Cindy

      • The easiest way is to embed the image in your post. The easiest way to do that is for it to already be on the web. Right click on the image and get the image address (not the URL of the page it's on) and enter it in the box. Here's a screen capture. You can also choose to upload it from your computer.301649779?profile=original
        Larry Berman

        • Thanks, for this Larry -- it surely is easier to explain with the visual! I think I'll do a screenshot and include it in all the messages that have "attachments". Maybe you can do this also. It helps so much.

  • Eliminate the greeting cards. I don't get the point of the table. It doesn't add anything to your display for the picture. Always keep your canopy walls rolled down to cut down on the backlighting from the mesh walls and to prevent anything distracting seen through your booth. Try to lay out your rug without wrinkles. Cut down on the smaller pieces and have the tops of the larger pieces at the same height on all three walls.

    The best place to take a display picture is not at an art show where you have no control of the weather and lighting. It's best to set it up in your yard or driveway on a cloudy or overcast day.

    Larry Berman

    • Thanks Larry. Good points. I assume all your comments are in answer to my question about the photo as a booth shot. In that instance I see now that the table and card rack should go. It never occurred to me to set up at home. I always thought the photo was supposed to be an accurate representation of what your booth would look like at the art festival. I guess that is only partially correct., meaning it should look much better in the photo. I will implement your suggestions.

      As for my second question-How does my booth look in general? The table holds my personal info, business cards and my sign. Is it too much? Thanks again.


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