

Chimney Rock, NC

Your Medium

Bark, Burl and Twig frames, mirrors and furniture

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Charlotte Log Home Living Show

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

Having great sales, meeting new and interesting artists and customers, traveling to new cities.

Best show ever and why

Burnsville, North Carolina...Mount Mitchell Art Fair. Sold out first day.

Worst show ever and why

Adirondack Rustic Furniture Fair 2006. I had a 20 x 10 tent and was set up at the edge of Blue Mountain Lake, NY. A huge storm came across the lake, and the wind lifted my tent up and destroyed it and my artwork in ten minutes. As everything was falling around me, the tent filled with water and I was pinned under the supports. As I struggled for air, I yelled "help". I watched as people walked by and did nothing. They didn't want to get wet. I had to take all my work back the inn, unload it all into my cabin, clean everything and try to dry what I could. I had to take my tent to the dump. The next day I had to reset up my small tent and start over with a very bruised body and spirit.

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  • Hi Amy,
    Join our new group "Carolina Artisians" Artists from North & South Carolina, sharing Art & Craft show information, opinions and networking .

    Website: http://www.artfairinsiders.com/​group/carolinaartisians
  • Hi,
    What a grim experience. If you had been here on the central Calif coast you would have had help (at least from me).
    Chimney Rock andLake Lure are beautiful places, and yes, I've been there.
    Do you sell your frames on line or elsewhere?
    Good luck to you, and keep a weather eye out.
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