
  • Thanks again, Larry! Here is the new crop. Jacki, we had 2 days in the 40's and 50's. Enough to clear my brick patio of snow. It was nice to work outside for a couple of days before the the cold returned. It's good to hear about the colors. I am constantly tweaking the combinations of blacks and browns. There is so much you can do with the blending of earth tones.


  • Kristin, I do like the colors you have in your booth.  You have a good eye for that. 

    I can't believe you actually found some bare ground to set your booth up.  You must not have the amount of snow that we have here in Michigan.  Good for you for pushing through in the cold to work on your booth.

  • Thank you Larry and Lorelei, I appreciate your help! I have edited another photograph. This one is a square format, hopefully for zapp. I will work on Lorelei's advice about bringing more light colors into the jewelry display, but I'm afraid that will have to wait until the next thaw! It is going to snow tomorrow and stay cold for a while longer. I am so looking forward to Spring!


    • Much better crop but I'd get rid of that fabric hanging down at the top. Cropping right below the fabric still leaves enough for them to see you have a white canopy.

      Larry Berman

  • Your booth is very rich with these enticing, luxurious colors in the curtains. I would try to bring more of the wall colors in with the black fabric stands to unite the walls and the booth more. It seems like too much black. I like the angles between the table and the pedestals; it gives it certain punch. 

  • I'd start out with some cropping and then continue the evaluation because it will almost double the size of everything in the booth. Crop both sides (and the top afterwards) just outside the edges of the outer pedestals.

    Larry Berman

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