Hi All

Hi All,

I feel kind of odd after 30 years in the Art Show business introducing myself as I know many of you already but protocol is protocol and there are quite a few of you I don't know. I have been doing art shows for a very long time and have done wholesale shows as well as retail shows. Mostly east of the Mississippi. I was a production potter for many years and during my time as a production potter developed three distinct styles of pottery and marketed them. 

Today I make clay, fiber and wood mixed media baskets and have been marketing these for the last dozen years or so. I have watched this industry change in many ways. Some for the good and some for the bad. I believe in the artist making and designing all aspects of their work and representing themselves as such at art shows. I have zero tolerance for the cheaters, buy/sell and those ripping off others. I also believe in fair treatment of artists by shows and a level of mutual respect and professionalism. Unfortunately both of the above are issues we still have to deal with. 

I have been fortunate to have won many awards at shows and participated is some of the finest shows in the country. My work has been published in a number of books as well as magazines. I have always felt if you are honest with yourself as an artist and listen to your heart you will be successful.


Well, I hope that gives you all some idea about me. I have been reading this forum for a few years now and find it informative and interesting. Mostly I read about shows and have gained some great insight there especially when I consider applying to. So hopefully since I have gained knowledge from you all, perhaps I can contribute to yours.







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  • Welcome Stephen! I look forward to your posts....Join in!
    • Thanks Karole, I plan to when I have something to contribute.


  • Hi Stephen and glad to see you posting :)   I look forward to learning from you!


  • Hi Connie,

    Thank you kindly. As far as mission statement goes......weeeeeeeeeell I don't know. I quit doing wholesale shows about 10 years ago. I used to do Philly Buyers Market and The New York Gift Show, the handmade section. I got tired of the grind and found in the end I was working twice as hard for the same money as retail and the stress level was quite high. I have two Galleries in my region that sell my work quite well now and I consign at 60-40%. That is really enough. I have had to cancel most of my fall for personal reasons which may or may not be shared in a future post. I am waiting to hear from one of the shows I had to cancel before I make that decision.

    I am however applying to shows for next season and pumped about that. At present I am working on a few orders and some tree ornaments my galleries have requested.



  • Great intro, Stephen, and quite a manifesto, exemplifying the ideas of many long time artists and the desires of the newer ones.  Maybe we should use it as our mission statement!

    Are you doing wholesale shows these days? If so, how is that work different from your one-of-a-kind work for the retail shows (fully realizing that it is certainly impossible to make copies of a piece of pottery)? Do you have any more events this year?

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