My website is

I spend some time in SCORE (small buss assoc for US). I looking to open my front store but after talking to them it seems a bad idea. They just put me down like old dog. Basically anything relate to the fine arts is bad idea. 

So I am looking to see what I can do to improve in my website. Also, can review my work.
I was told to add facebook for the studio and need to figure out how to bring my website when you are doing a generic search.

Last favor which booth layout you like better.


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  • Hey Oscar. I am sorry to hear, that you didn't hear good news from SCORE. I am actually in the process of looking over your website right now and I am jotting a few thoughts and going to send it in an email. Just thought doing a more personal email than writing down ideas here might be better... Keep an eye open from , ok? - Michelle
  • New Booth images first take to long to upload

    Broad Ripple 2010.jpg

    Board Ripple 2010 2.jpg

    Board Ripple 2010 3.jpg

  • Here are the images of my booth.
  • Yes I am gettin g traffic . Not that great but 5 visit per day.

    Diane Wright said:
    Oscar, I think it looks good but maybe one of the more technolocically savy people could geive you better feedback. I don't even have a website - except my etsy site. Are you getting traffic?
  • Oscar, I think it looks good but maybe one of the more technolocically savy people could geive you better feedback. I don't even have a website - except my etsy site. Are you getting traffic?
  • Oscar -- I'll bet you'd get more comments at a less busy time of the year for artists. How about adding your two booth images to the post for us to see?
  • Okay, the day I post this, I got a lot of views but no one commented in the website. I am still looking for idea what to improve.
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