New iPad

I waited on line for 6 hours Today for an iPad, which I'm trying to type on right now, rather awkwardly. I purchased it thinking I could use it to show pictures of my image prep to artists at shows I either do or visit this year. Larry Berman Http:// 412-401-8100

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  • Larry, I'm not sure the iPad will work that well for that purpose when out in bright sun light. The glare can be a problem. I use mine when I'm on the road for reading news, checking the weather and to keep records on all art show related information (sales, inventory, history of patron purchases, etc). I have developed a relational database using FileMaker Pro. The iPad app FileMaker Go works the database beautifully. Here's an overview of the database:

    For me, the iPad is most useful from a business record keeping perspective and for surfing the web. Good luck with your new machine. The iPad is a lot of fun. Cheers, LC
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