
  • Great! What is the name of the photographer in TN?
  • I know someone in Gaitlinburg, TN and also Larry Saunders in WI. He will do the photos and mail your work back but you have to keep after him to do it. Great photographer though.
  • Thanks to you both. Any specific suggestions for glass beads and jewelry?
  • In addition to Larry's comment, glass bead jewelry is light and easy to ship. You don't need a photographer in Kentucky, you just need a good photographer.

    Larry does an excellent job. You might also ask here for some other suggestions.
  • Unless you actually have to be there, you should be looking for the best photographer that can photograph the type of work you create.

    I have a friend in North Carolina that has recently started shooting work for 3D artists. In a conversation we had last evening he asked for my opinion on his lighting techniques, which included lighting ratios (one side getting more light than the other side) and shadow placement. I tried to explain that it's not about the photographer, it about the artist's work with as little as possible to distract the jurors. You don't want them saying that it's a pretty picture of an object but you do want them saying that it's a pretty object.

    You need to find a photographer that doesn't introduce their personality into the work so the personality of the work comes through.

    Larry Berman
    Digital Jury Services
    Art Show Tips Blog
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