Ahhh!  it definitely  feels worst, than I expected. Just got my rejection letter from Columbus, first show I applied and first show I got rejected. I email them to see if I can get my score or some kind of feedback to work with, so we'll see. It's funny because I'm not a great writer, but the first thing that crossed  through my head was to write how I felt  in AFI.



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  • Did you get to try the bakery? flying monkey? That's my nightmare. I go for the"healthy shopping" there and end up with a box full of cupcakes.


    • Thanks again for the support and like I said, if you need a sofa bed to crash I have one.



  • That's where I buy my fruits!! I live in Philly, so you r more than welcome to my house if you feel like coming  to visit Philly!
  • I guess after all things happen for a reason. Columbus was my first letter/rejection of 2011, but it was also my backup for Rittenhouse. Well, I just got a letter and I've been invited to my first 2011 outdoor show Rittenhouse Square  Fine Art Show!!! I'm really excited and definitely over my rejection sadness.


    Thanks again for all the support!!


  • I got into the show, first time I've applied.. The application to accept is extensive, they even require an artist statement along with a picture of the artist on an 8x10 vertical sheet of paper with the returned exhibitor contract. I was rejected into several shows in Florida this winter, it did not feel so great either, especially after getting into many top shows last year. But it more than makes up for it, when the acceptance letters come in. You never know what can happen with juries, and the same work gets you into one show and not the next. sometimes I try new jury images, and see if it works better, eventually you find the ones that make you stand out.
    • The second half of last year, I got into a bunch of shows.  So, this year, for the first half of 2011 shows, I used the same booth image plus most of the same individual images.  And I got a bunch of rejections!  Go figure!
      • Yes, I think it is natural to do what seems to have worked in the past. I almost always do that myself. Except that since the jury is almost always different, the idea that a particular set “works” is really an illusion.


        It used to be that there were patterns I could analyze. But now it seems like acceptance or rejection are more random. The biggest “pattern” now seems to be that the shows that used to accept routinely, or most often, now reject. If the odds are more than a certain amount, say 6 to 1, I know I’m not getting in. And 10 to 1? Forget it.

  • I did this show for years and years and got rejected the last few.  this year I got in....just never know
  • i got my first rejection as well today.  I was expecting it.  i have tried a # of times to get into this show, got in once and that was it.  never again.   this year i got an email from someone affiliated with the show so i fig. one more time.  It took me over two hours to fill out the application and send pictures in.   The application was one of worst ones i have tried to fill out in years.    I also fig if i was rejected i was going to write and tell them to NEVER send me another email.  I would much rather give the 35.00 to my wife to buy something worth getting.   But of course i have not do so yet.  So you are not alone.
    • The application was on Zapp......easy  to fill out if you are already on zapp......maybe it will be easier next time
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