Here we go again. I thought this was years behind us. There are at least two mainstream jury slide photographers out there that are loading images onto ZAPP and JAS in the wrong color space, which makes the color look like crap. Six years and you'd think that they would have figured out how to do it right by now. One of them I called years ago and explained the issue and for a while he was doing it correctly, but recently I noticed that images that he had uploaded were in the wrong color space again. The other I just discovered the other day when a jeweler sent me too small an image to crop. The photographer refused to send the jeweler the full size image, insisting on cropping and uploading it himself. When I checked the image he had uploaded the color looked like crap, dull and washed out. In checking the embedded color space in Photoshop, I realized that a simple conversion from Adobe RGB to sRGB would have improved the color significantly. This shouldn't be an issue, especially with what you pay a photographer to shoot your artwork. And I don't understand the nonsense of not giving the artist the full size files. Your jury images are your most important asset and are all that you have that can get you accepted or rejected from the shows you apply to. I've always offered to do free jury image evaluations, which also checks for the correct embedded color space: Larry Berman Digital Jury Services 412-401-8100

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  • Larry,
    An old boss of mine used to say: "You buy 'em books and buy 'em books and all they do is eat the covers".
    Sounds like the case here.
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