Melbourne, FL
Melbourne, FL
Your Medium
Years in the Art Fair Business
First show ever
Westfield, NY hugh arts & craft festival in the Southern Tier of NYS.
What are the best things about art fairs
Being able to personally interact with the customers and networking with other artists and potters.
Best show ever and why
Orchard Park Arts & Crafts festival, NY I won Best of Show out of 350 exhibitors and didn't even know it until tons of people started showing up at my booth. Finally someone told me that I had won and it was for a wheel thrown pitcher that I made, won $150 prize which was a lot of $$ then.
Worst show ever and why
Two years ago at a little show in Vero where the lightening and thunder was so bad along with heavy rain, had to load up in the middle of a park full of trees, thought for sure we would be electrocuted.
Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.
I found the site online.
What is one fun fact about yourself?
I like to laugh and hang out with people who are fun especially other artists.
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Thanks for your friendship Jacquelyn. It is nice to have you here.
Hello Jackie, Thank you for the kind words and information! I accepted your friend request and I'm sure my wife and I will be in touch at some point. there's always questions right? Have a great day! Rob
Hi Jacquelyn, my name is Refujio Vargas I got your request, but my in for mation that was posted is incorrect. I 'm very sorry for the mix up after reading your e-mails I knew something was wrong with the post. very very sorry the price is $ 240 dollars $30 dollars each. again I'm very sorry for the mix up. I will have pic of the panel for viewing shortly. the panels are not complete and you might have trouble
finding part for them like the leg stands to hold up and make the panel look taller they stack one on top of eachother witch does not gige to a coplet set for a 10x10 tent. they will fet in a 10 x 10 tent and space.
Yes, and I'll throw in some extras for you and all your friends right? LOL Seriously, it's wonderful to hear from such a fun and friendly colleague. Thanks again, Jacquelyn.
Welcome to ArtFairInsiders.com, Jacquelyn. I'm pleased to see you here and look forward to having you as part of our community.
When you have a chance, please add a photo of yourself and stop by the Discussions" area to introduce yourself to the rest of us. We all look forward to your participation here. Also, visit the "member map" and add your location. We have a lot to offer one another, experienced and newbie alike. Let's make this a dynamic site!
Many topics have already been discussed here before you joined us. You might like to try a search of your topic before you post your question. Just put your topic, canopy tents, jurying fees, Ann Arbor Art Fair, etc, into the search bar at the top of the right side of the page. You might be surprised that someone has already asked your question.
We also ask that all new members take a few moments of their time to read the code of conduct. You will find it at http://www.artfairinsiders.com/page/code-of-conduct. There are a few guidelines that all members will need to follow because , as in any social community, we all need to work together.
Best wishes,
Connie Mettler
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