
Hitchcock, TX

Your Medium

Fused glass

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

My first show ever was at the church I was attending so very long ago! It happened to be a couple of weeks after 9/11, so needless to say, it was pretty quiet!

What are the best things about art fairs

The feeling in the air… the sunshine on your face, the music in the background and getting to see your artists friends once again!

Best show ever and why

Laughlin was the best show ever because I sold out of all of my large pieces, a 10 x 20’ tent filled with work! Although I really love fountain Hills Festival of the Arts, the fountain, the surroundings and the music makes it a one-of-a-kind show.

Worst show ever and why

Waco, 2023, Oktoberfest in conjunction with SilobrTion. Promoter promises 30k people, and that we were inside of the fenced in area, across the street from the main event… we ended up 1 1/2 blocks away, behind a building in a dirt lot. No advertising, it was awful! Didn’t even make my booth fee much less the hotel, gas and cost of goods. Crooked promoters, no good!

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Second Saturday open studios, TX. I’ve visited this site at the beginning of my career, but lost track of it

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I have two beautiful daughters and the coolest miniature Blue Merle Aussie.

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