Work of Art: The Next Great Artist?

Are you watching this? Work of Art: The Next Great Artist has begun its second season where it pits about a dozen artists against one another in "challenges" in order to make their mark on the industry and battle it out for a solo show at the Brooklyn Museum and a cash prize of $100,000.

What I like about it is the judging. It amazes me to listen to the critics who choose the winner and what they have to say about the art. Watch it and let me know what you think.

Wednesdays 9 pm (ET) on Bravo

Here's what one critic of the program had to say: Work of Art: What a Load of Poop!

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  • The winner Kymia Nawabi gets her show at the Brooklyn Museum:

  • Actually, I think the winner deserved her win. She has great talent and poured her emotion into her work. I am almost ashamed to say I was rooting for her! I actually saw ART on the wall...the other two? Great expressions of thought and emotion, but is it ART???

  • Oh no! I can't believe I missed the finale!! I guess I'll have to settle for the reviews. Here are two:

    Jerry Saltz's Work of Art Finale Recap: The Drama's Done
    New York Magazine
    His show dealt with life, loss, longing, the death of his father, and the cancer of his mother—a lot to take on at once. Thus it lost emotional momentum. I fancy that Young's losing a TV game show about art might make his eventual art career easier ...

    Work Of Art: The Next Great Artist Season 2 - Finale Recap
    Simon tells that artists that an additional bonus to winning is he will show one piece from the winning artist in a major Phillips de Pury auction and all the proceeds from that piece will go to the artist. Now time for the artists to each install .

    • Actually Connie, Give anyone $7500 and they can come up w/a decent art show in a couple months. The outcome was a snore. You didn't miss anything.   Here is the real outcome . Jerry Saltz Action Figure. Sucklord managed to steal the show and the spotlight. I guarantee that his show will draw 100x more than the winner's show on any given weekend. - Wink -

      • I just read that link, Paul. Really interesting, wasn't it? I guess what I liked about the show (having never been to art school) was the theory behind the choices, the thinking and intellectual reasoning behind what the artists did and what the judges thought. Thanks for that link.

  • OMG! I am so mad I missed this recent episode of "Work of Art" on December 14. But here is a great review of the show: 

    A Piece of Work: Watching Bravo’s Art Reality Show So You Don’t Hav...

    It seems as though it is all a joke -- wandering all the way from Manhattan to Cold Spring, NY, to catch "the locals", or the real Americans, before scurrying back to NYC where they are safe from the rubes.

    • What a riot Connie thanks for the link!  

    • I kind of liked this challenge and really liked the portraits - except Lola's. I was sad to see Dusty go home and happy to see Lola go. I did not care for Lola's attitude throughout this season - and was really upset when in the graffiti challenge she and her partner were encouraging the public to place stickers on the other artist's work.


      I enjoyed in this most recent challenge that they brought the towns people in to view their portraits.


      Anxious to see how it plays out for the finale.


  • Congratulations to the Michigan State and U. of Michigan football teams this past weekend. Who would have thought UM could turn around their program like this? Oh, and by the way, did you know that one of the participants in Work of Art, Dusty Mitchell, is a grad of MSU. Here is an interview with him, giving some interesting background for this week's episode:

  • This is a formulaic show that has everything to do with entertainment and almost nothing to do with art. The artists who participate are in it for the exposure [just like we are - different venue] and potential pay-off at the end.

    Does it mean the winner is the next big thing? Only if they can sustain their made-for-TV image and convince the public to buy their work. It is amazing that Reality TV exposure can lead to "celebrity" status for chefs, designers and survivors of ridiculous challenges.

    The challenges have nothing to do with the real life art making process. But, it's a fun show to watch!

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