I have been looking for some feedback on what other artist do. I was recently at a gallery showing where I sold a few framed prints, they were marked up much farther than I would sell these same pieces at a fair. The reason for this is the commission that was taken after the sale. I figure this is semi common practice but just wanted to get some feedback.

Do you change prices show to show depending on travel, hotel, booth fee, etc?

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  • Thanks for the feedback, I felt like that was the case. I'm a newbie and appreciate all the help!!

  • No. We don't usually change our prices based upon the reputation of a show or that we're paying a commission to a show or gallery. I can think of only one case in the past five years that we asked a gallery to raise the price of a piece we really didn't want to consign in the first place, but that the dealer insisted he had to have.


    A little fluctuation here and there may be o.k., especially on repros. Maybe you should be charging more for framed repros?


    If you improve on your body of original work, then by all means raise the price across the board on the newer items the first day out of the barn. Hold back the group until you have five or six. You might try raising it 25 percent higher. So $1,000 becomes $1,250. $2,000 becomes $2,500. Don't just raise prices arbitrarily or because the booth fee is higher. Certainly, your expenses figure into the pricing game. But your skill is your best asset to consider.

  • See comments from a similar previous post. http://www.artfairinsiders.com/forum/topics/galleries-and-art-fairs...

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