Does anyone know if the Nurit 8000 series GPRS terminal use satellite system or cell towers? I am currently working with a rep from one of the merchant companies, I am concerned this unit won't work at my home, there is no cell service in my area, the closest towers are 16 miles away. The rep has told me me these units use satellite not cell towers, I don't want to get stuck with this terminal and a contract if I can't use it at my home , help! Lisa

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  • The Nurit 8000 may still be the best option for you, It's GPRS wireless, but according to this PDF, it can be outfitted with a phone modem as well.
    Seems like the best of both worlds.. I may have to look into one myself.....


  • Thanks for the info, need a terminal that will work at home and shows due to several custom orders a month that I take by phone,
  • Are all your shows in your home area? I didn't have cell service until just about a year ago and I have been using my NURIT 3010 radio unit since 2003, and it works great. But I never do shows near my home so a home signal didn't matter.

    But I contacted AT&T about 6 months ago and asked about using them instead of the company the rep for the 8000 wanted me to use, as I already have AT&T and adding another line was only 5 bucks. They said they can program the 8000 for their company and ATT does have satellite service. But satellite service is expensive, so keep that in mind.
  • General packet radio service (GPRS) is a cellular based (2G) service.

    Here is a LINK

    To an article about GPRS on WikiPedia.

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