Here is a shot of my 10'x10' booth I have been assembling. I built the panels myself using plans from e-Bay. The panels are interchangeable with MD parts. I am using MD pieces to join the half panels together, as well as the lighting setup. Lighting is from 4 LED PAR38 floods (they are not on in the shot). I made the weights from 3" PVC. They are 5' long, and weigh in at 40 lbs. each. I decided to carpet the front ones to match the panels & furniture. Please excuse the hideous concrete (I need to powerwash my patio now that the weather is breaking) :-)
The other furniture pieces are also from MD.
The canopy is an EZ Up Eclipse II. I sprayed a gallon of Starbrite waterproofing on the top to waterproof it. I haven't tested it with water yet, but it should stay pretty dry.
Eventually, I will add panels down the sides, but this will be good enough to get me through a few shows this year.
Comments appreciated!
Like my page, offer suggestions, and be a fan. I will be eternally grateful.
I look forward to seeing your results! I have a rug now, but don't have any pics with it in place. It's 2 tone gray checkered. Works nice with the walls.
I have recently bought Ernie's plans as well, and an working on getting the materials together to do a test panel. I was wondering, did you build the desks and bins as well? Those plans aren't part of the walls package, are they available somewhere else?
no, I bought them from Pro Panels. They match very nicely.
That's what I was afraid of... they matched the walls so well I thought you might have made them.
Here is a night pic. I wanted to see how my lighting was going to look (I have at least one show that runs to 10pm this year, and will need the light).
Thanks Jim,
They look great. I may try my hand at it. I have felt like a barrier for getting into better shows is my lack of good walls (at least I tell myself that is the reason ; ). Budget has kept me from buying pro panels so this may be just the ticket.
Have a great day.
Here is a closer view of one of the weights, for those interested...
We put handles on ours to make them easier to carry.
I see you have StaBars, why not lay the weights down and attach them to the StaBars?