Know any Show Directors?

I'd like to a podcast soon about building the next generation of art show customers. This was a suggestion of Geoff Coe's. As he wrote me,

Customers are aging--how many times do we hear from long-time customers that they've downsized their home, they don't have enough space on the wall, etc., etc.  
If we as artists and promoters don't find a way to attract and recruit younger customers, how will we survive as our current demographic continues to age?

I've got some good ideas but do any of you know anyone who has done outreach in this manner and has brought in a younger demographic, or whose efforts you have noticed in finding new audiences who might share their information?

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  • Good ideas, Dave. You are right it is a different mindset for some events to flourish, often "festivals" work for them.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for show directors who I could interview for this podcast?

  • I think one way to attract the younger age shopper is with new art styles that may appeal to them.  For example, spray paint art or surf/skate board art.    Young music acts will also bring in their fans.  If they see art they can identify with, they will stick around and possibly look at everyone elses art, too!  

    The artwork that we see in shows is changing.  We have to embrace that change and encourage it.  If we let juries deny artists because it doesn't meet their definition of "Fine Art" then we will stay stuck in our own era. 

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