jury pics

In preparing my jury pics for the coming year I decided to try to represent, as best as I could understand, my body of work in a consistent fashion. My present pics were made up up of the few professional pictures I had which were then made jury ready by Larry Berman.  Larry did a great job and my pics worked well.  However, I only applied to one upper level show- Atlanta Arts Festival- and was wait listed for that.  All in all pretty encouraging for my first year.

This coming year I want to apply to better shows.  The subjects in my present pics are all over the place- good work but no consistancy.  So this is what I have done.  I work in turned wood and do some kinda unique stuff with knots and burls.  A storm in July brought down a tremendous tree for what I do so I decided to use all only pieces from this tree for my pics.  My new pics show a good overview of the forms I make and the techniques I use.   That's good.  However I noticed once they were uploaded to Zapp and situated side by side that because of how similar the wood looks that might kinda all look too similar.  My work includes a lot of natural edges and bark, and I am afraid that might distract from the forms making my work appear void of imagination.

So here is my question- have I shot myself in the foot?



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  • Ray, do you know how to make the images show up in the "comments"? Instead of clicking on "upload files" click on the "image icon" in the toolbar and then put your images into the comments. That way we can see them all together and get a better look at them. What I'm seeing so far is pretty nice, even without the nudes.

    • Let me give that a try.981297458?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Well, Ray, if each image looks like the other ones that doesn't sound good to me. I love the idea of what you have done and what a great story about all the work from the one tree and what a good sales and marketing idea for when you are at the show. Why don't you be brave and show them to us, plus maybe some of the ones you didn't use for the jurying?

    The best way to do this is to click on the image icon in the toolbar above the comment - this will get you more "looks" than if you "upload file".

    • I will be receiving the pics on disc in the next couple days.  I will do that.  I'm a little apprehensive with Larry Berman lurking out there -LOL.  Larry is a great guy and a great resource.  After you see the pics I will tell why I went with the photographer that I did.  It would normally be a recipe for disaster.



      • I'll make sure Larry is nice ;)

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