I'm unsatisfied with my display and have been trying to decide on a good course of action.  I want something professional, but at the same time I don't want all my work behind glass. 

I want to put large photos of my jewelry onto banners to hang, but the rest of my display is a bit up in the air.  I have 4 Arizona cases (pricey!) and use two of them at shows.  The problem is the cases have to be on tables.  So I have 4 for tables with nice table cloths, but I would kind of like to move beyond that. 
I've looked at abstracta and dynamic displays, but am not sold on either one, especially since I already have glass cases that cost me $2000 7 years ago....
I need everything to fit into my minivan, so portability is a concern. 
My prices are $14-$200 for the most part, so I want my display to look accessible, but professional (if that makes any sense?!)

Please give me your most honest opinions/feedback.  Be brutal, I need it! 
Thank you so much for your help!


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  • Thank you for the replies. I had a show this weekend and was really giving some thought about what to change/work on. First on my plate is banners with large pictures. I do really need something to draw people over. Next I am contemplating some abstracta shelves/platforms for height. I'm still thinking that over, but the black frames of the abstracta will match the cases and earring display that I already have.
    • I like your booth set up, I personally like the black to me it adds a touch of class - I am from the Mid-West/central US and enclosed cases do not promote sales here.  I have tried glass cases and people just walk on by.  I utilize busts/stands and even lay necklaces, bracelets etc along the table.  Most of the customers in this are touchy feeley types. If it is under glass to them means "hands off".  You can add more height to your tables utilizing candle sticks and glass or mirrors.  I have found that a layering effect keeps customers at the table longer which translates into more sales.  Not sure if any of these suggestions will work in your part of the county or not, but just a suggestion.
  • I actually like your booth photo! I do like the black, but think possibly gray instead may be a little softer and help play up the blue contrast color as well as the silver jewelry I see prominent in your work. I do think some large format photos of your best and most colorful pieces in the background (along the sides of your booth) would be the icing on the cake. I say this because, aside from your banner which is perfect, you need something to draw people in and nothing says "COME TO ME" more than a great photo of your best seller. I have been told over and over - people buy with their eyes, if people can't see it, they can easily pass it up for someone who does utlize that approach. Other than that - your booth is clean,layout great, it is neat, and well prepared (see things at all different levels) - don't change any of these things. You are on your way!!! - Michelle
  • Hi Kathryn-
    I am also a jewelry artist as well as a business consultant for artists. (I was in sales and marketing as well as training in my former life.) I can give you a quick critique of your booth..... and I will try to be fair and not too brutal. So... here we go:

    1. The idea of choosing three colors to work with - black, blue and white - is great as well as the fabric panels to soften and add color to your walls. Many people make the mistake of no color or too many colors all at once - you didn't do that.

    2. Though color in your booth is great I am not a big fan of black - especially this much of it. It is ok as an accent but too much tends to create a "black hole" effect. Black receeds - it does not attract. You want to attract people to your booth.

    3. You have a lot of good ideas but you are using them ALL. This distracts from your art - especially when it is jewelry. You must find the one idea that works the best, use it, and forget the others.

    That is just a quickie...... hope it helps. Your work is quite nice (I checked out your Etsy page) you need to let it shine through. Send me another pic when you make some changes. If you want some more extensive feedback let me know. We can work something out.
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