I create painted silk  wearables mid-priced.  I do well at higher-end shows.  I am trying to branch into the mid-west area in the summer.  Both cities are about the same travel for me.  Does anyone have an opinion about which show is better?  OR  what do you think about the shows individually?  Thanks for any feedback

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  • what kind of work do you do?

    Shawn Malone said:
    Never been to St. L.
    We were looking to leave Summerfair off the schedule 2010 because of the distance, but we've had increasing sales every year(will be our 4th yr) and last year was downright good to us. Seems like it can be hit or miss according to a lot of things like if you're on pavement in unGodly hot HUMID weather, or you are lucky enough to have some shade. Layout is insanely meandering, not really Summerfair's fault, it's the way the park is. This show seems to be real lucky in skirting some really bad weather that time of year......tornado went just north of the area last year... hope the odds never catch up, always look forward to visiting my hometown and getting Montgomery Inn Ribs and Skyline Chili YUM
  • I was accepted to both and am just trying to decide which to do.

    Pat Finney said:
    The entry deadline to both has passed. Art and Air is a good show but much smaller than Summerfair. I did o.k. at Art and Air last year. Friday night is useless. They have a wine tasting and music and a pretty good crowd but very few go to the art show part. Saturday and Sunday were fair days. I wait listed to Summerfair last year and just found out yesterday I wait listed this year. I went last year as a patron and liked the show. Bigger and seems to have a larger crowd.
  • The entry deadline to both has passed. Art and Air is a good show but much smaller than Summerfair. I did o.k. at Art and Air last year. Friday night is useless. They have a wine tasting and music and a pretty good crowd but very few go to the art show part. Saturday and Sunday were fair days. I wait listed to Summerfair last year and just found out yesterday I wait listed this year. I went last year as a patron and liked the show. Bigger and seems to have a larger crowd.
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