I applied through Zapplication to an art show that will be hosting a 2 day fine art show with another mini show for crafters that other artist that could not fit in the fine art show.

I thought this was a great idea, the promoters still required the jury fee and acceptance, with deadline at a slightly reduced rate.


I got in to the crafter section and thought, great I saved 200.00 dollars and will be seen by all the spectators in the "low end" of the show.


One week before the show I happen to find out they added another section "Business Vendors" after the deadline and no mention on the application website before hand. 


How would you feel, side by side with  non-artist business vendors like an open flee market?  I emailed to ask for an explanation and got accused of accusing them of trying to get as much entry fees as much and not disclosing this on their website.

Is this wrong?

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  • That is good info, Brenda. Thanks for the update. Care to share the name of the show?

  • Is this a new event, Brenda? Some shows have other sections that are clearly buy/sell. It's their show. They don't necessarily disclose stages or food booths, sponsor booths, children's activity booths, non-profit booths on ZAPP either. They may not be side by side. I hope this works out for you, but shows are not cookie cutter and lots of new exhibitors are amazed to find out all the variations from show to show. Not to say I'd like the situation myself, but it is still about doing your research to see what you're getting into. Or, do you feel like they were dishonest?

    • No this is not a new show.  I believe 15 years. 

      The explanation was " Due to high demand for this show we opened up a third venue for small business entrepreneurs.  We have nothing to hide.  We mailed and emailed applications after the close of the application on Zapplication.  We did not use Zapp because it was after the deadline.  I doubt a chiropractor or a guy sell AAA memberships, or Mary Kay dealers will be in competition for your copperworks".


      I felt like if I wanted to be across from Mary Kay dealers I could set up a booth at the Farmers Market!  I was offered a refund but as the show is so close I declined.

      • I think that says a lot about them that they are willing to refund, don't you? If it was all just about the fees they'd probably pull out a clause that would keep them from having to do that. Ought to be interesting ... love a report back afterwards about how it worked out for you. You wouldn't have to identify the event -- just something here in the discussions.

        • I will let everyone know how this turns out!  I just have never been to a show that they kept adding more vendors after the deadline and not through the normal channels.


          Thanks for listening!  

          • I am interested in how this turned out.  I have not seen a reply.  Could you update us?  Or point me in the direction of the update if one has been posted?  TIA

            • The event ended up being very large.  The show did end up in 3 sections:

              1) Juried Section 2) Craft and Other 3) Business Section

              I think that it was a little over whelming for the volunteers.  Extremely hot, where they placed the Crafters.  Many complaints from the crafter artists of location etc. The juried section was put in a prime location on each side of a heavy shaded avenue main street.  The crafters was put at the bottom of the main street -across and beside a railroad track, no shade on hot pavement. It was so hot that I was misting water on my customers.  On the second day many of the vendors including myself pick up our whole tents intact with other vendors helping to  carry the tents down side streets in shaded empty locations.


              Because, the event tried to increase to as many vendors as they could pack in, they could not help with any problems or trouble shooting with the un-judged vendors.


              Good points:

              Even though it was extremely hot, my sales were very high. 

              I noticed that this years event is for all artist not to be separated into 3 categories and it is 1 show.  The event directors listened to the many complaints and are trying to "fix" the problems.

              Bad points:

              Crafters and fine artist mixed in this coming year, with the same jury fee through Zapplication and the same entry fee.


              I have my jury application in for this year, and hope to get in.  With all the cons, the sales made up for what was lacking.  I will say kudos to the organizers because, they are trying to correct all of last years problems and confusion.


              Wish me luck!


              Moon 048.JPG

  • Expose them, notify Zapp, request full refund. There is a contact that Zapp has with them as well. Maybe Zapp will give them the boot.
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